To investigate the effect of substrate concentration on the activity of an enzyme.

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Biology Investigation: Enzymology- Catalase


To investigate the effect of substrate concentration on the activity of an enzyme.

Background Information:

 The image above shows a 3D structure of catalase from E.coli. The structure was solved using Xray Crystallography.

Enzymes are biological catalysts which speed up biochemical reactions, they lower the activation energy. Enzymes are globular proteins which catalyse metabolic reactions.

In an enzyme- catalysed reactions, the substrate binds to the active site of the enzyme. The enzyme and the substrate are held together in an enzyme-substrate complex by hydrophobic bonds, hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds. The enzyme then converts the substrate to the reaction products which are released leaving the enzyme to form another enzyme-substrate complex. The enzyme is recycled again and again. One enzyme molecule can carry out 1000 of reaction cycles every minute. Eventually the enzyme will breakdown.

Each enzyme is unique for a certain reaction because its amino acid sequence is arranged in a certain way. The active site has a specific shape so that only one or a few of the thousands of compounds present in the cell can interact with it. Any substance that blocks or changes the shape of the active site will interfere with the activity and efficiency of the

The diagram below shows the breakdown and the building up of a reaction:

There are several factors that will effect the enzyme’s activity:

Salt Concentration: If the salt concentration is very low, the charged amino acid side chains of the enzyme will stick together. The enzyme will denature and form an inactive precipitate. If the salt concentration is very high, normal interaction of charged groups will be blocked and the enzyme will precipitate. An intermediate salt concentration such as blood (0.9%) or cytoplasm are optimum for most enzymes.

pH: Enzymes amino acids contains group such as –COOH and NH2 that gain or lose H+ ions. When pH lowers, enzymes tend to gain H+ ion and eventually the side chains will be denatured. Many enzymes have an optimum in the neutral pH range, some enzymes (which act in the human stomach) requires a low pH has a optimum at low pH.

Temperature: As temperature is increased, so does rate of reactions. More molecules have enough kinetic energy to undergo the reaction. Enzymes are catalysts for chemical reactions therefore will proceed faster when temperature is increased. But when temperature is above the optimum point, the kinetic energy of the enzyme and the reactants are so great that the enzyme molecule is disrupted.

Inhibitors: Many molecules other then the substrate may interact with an enzyme. If a molecule increases the rate of reaction it is an activator, and if decreases the rate it is an inhibitor. Many inhibitors act by reacting with the side chains in or near the active site to change or block it. Others may damage or remove the prosthetic group.

For a better understanding of this topic, I discovered that for a reaction to occur, particles of the reactants involved must collide with enough energy- this is called the ‘Activation Energy’ or Ea.

For this investigation, I will be focusing my topic on ‘how the varying of the substrate concentration effects the activity of an enzyme’. I will be conducting a simple experiment, using hydrogen peroxide solutions to see how it effects the enzyme’s activity as concentration varies. Here is an example of an experiment that I have conducted through previous lessons, it is also related to the topic ‘rates of reaction’. This experiment will help me to understand the bases of the rate of reaction theory and how it is effected:

The Different Sized Marble Chip Experiment:

In the experiment of seeing how rate of reaction differs as surface areas varies, I conducted the ‘Marble Chip’ experiment, by using different sized marble chips and observing how long it takes for the reaction to end. The different sized marble chips were placed into hydrochloric acid and timed, the times were noted down and compared. From this experiment I learnt that powered marble chips reacted faster than the larger marble chips. Therefore I can justify my results and provide evidence that as you increase the surface area of a reactant you are also increasing rate of reaction.

From previous experiments, I learnt that rate of reaction can be affected with the presence of a catalyst, the varying of temperature, the surface area of the reactant and the concentration.

In this project I am going to investigate the enzyme Catalase, which accelerates the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (a common end product of oxidative metabolism) into water and oxygen:

Hydrogen Peroxide + Catalase → Water + Oxygen + Catalase

2H2O2 (aq) + Catalase → 2H2O (l) + O2 (g) +Catalase

Catalase is extremely important in the cell because it prevents the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide. Catalase is found in animal and plant tissues and is especially abundant in plants storage organs such as potato tubers, corns and fruits.

Hydrogen peroxide is a topical antiseptic. When you get a cut, all the bacteria that live on your skin see a new source of nutrients. If bacteria invades before a scab forms, your immune system may not be able to kill them all. Pouring hydrogen peroxide on a cut, then, is an attempt to ill a bunch of bacteria. It will also kill some of your cells. This is why Hydrogen peroxide is sometime used as an antiseptic, but as diseases and infection become better understood, cytotoxic methods are used less frequently. This is because of antibiotics and therapeutics.

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I predict that as the concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases so does the rate of enzyme-substrate complex being formed, therefore there will be more Oxygen (gas) produced and the also the rate it is produced. I predict that if the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide solution is increased the time taken for 10 cm3 of oxygen to be collected will decrease. The rate of reaction in other words will increase. I predict that as the concentration of hydrogen peroxide doubles, the amount of gas produced also doubles and the rate of reaction also doubles.


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