To investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. The enzyme used will be catalyse.

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To investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. The enzyme used will be catalyse.

The enzyme catalyse:

The enzyme catalyse is a biological enzyme. It is used to break down Hydrogen Peroxide, which is harmful. The reaction that occurs is:

Hydrogen peroxide                          Water + Oxygen

The activity of the enzyme catalyse can therefore be measured by the amount of oxygen (in the form of froth) that is produced.


The enzyme catalyse will have an optimum temperature of between 40°-45°. If the temperature rises above this temperature range or below this temperature range, the rate of enzyme activity will fall. This is because the enzyme catalyse is a protein enzyme and a biological catalyst, and the optimum temperature of most biological catalysts is between 40°C-45°C. If the temperature rises above this, the enzyme activity will slow down because the enzyme will be denatured. This means that the active site will be changed. Enzymes only work if the substrate fits into to the enzymes active site, like a lock and key (see diagram). The reaction then takes place and the product leaves. If the active site shape is changed the substrate will no longer be able to fit in (see diagram). This means that the reaction can no longer take place.

As the temperature gets higher above 45°C, more enzymes will be denatured. The higher the temperature above 45°C, the slower the reaction rate.

        If the temperature falls below 40°C, the rate of enzyme activity will fall. This is because the lower the temperature, the less kinetic energy the enzymes will have. This means that fewer will be able to react. The lower the temperature below 40°C, the slower the enzyme reaction rate. At low temperature’s particles of reacting substances do not have much energy. However, when the substances are heated, the particles take in energy. This causes them to move faster and collide more often. The collisions have more energy, so more of them are successful. Therefore, the rate of reaction increases.

According to “The Living World” by Michael Roberts: “When an enzyme is denatured by heat, the shape of the active site is changed so the substrate no longer fits.” This supports the prediction. According to “As the temperature rises the enzyme works much quicker, but if it gets too hot, above 45ºC the human enzymes will denature.” This also supports the prediction.  

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A 100 cubic centimetre measuring tube, test tube, 4 cubic centimetres hydrogen peroxide, 2 cubic centimetres pH7 buffer, 2 cubic centimetres catalyse (in the form of potato), 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, 60°C and 70°C Water Baths, ice, three 5 cubic centimetre syringes, and a thermometer.


 The following measurements were used in a previous trial experiment to see whether they were effective. Measure 2 cubic centimetres catalyse (potato) into the 100 cubic centimetre measuring tube. Measure 2 cubic centimetres pH7 buffer and 4 cubic centimetres hydrogen peroxide into the test tube. Place the test tube containing the hydrogen ...

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**** A good understanding of the theory behind the investigation is shown but some weaknesses in the method followed are evident.