To Investigate the Effect of Water and Sugar Solution of different Concentrations of the Mass of Potato Cylinders.

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To Investigate the Effect of Water and Sugar Solution of different Concentrations of the Mass of Potato Cylinders.


Background scientific Information

Potato Plants:

The potato plant produces glucose through photosynthesis and stores it in the potato. The glucose is carried from the leaves where it is produced, down to the potato in the phloem where it is changed into starch to be stored. The Potato is part of the root of the plant and spreads out just below the surface of the soil, as shown in diagram 1

Diagram 1, The potato Plant


Is the process where Carbon dioxide and water combine to produce glucose and oxygen. The glucose that is made is transported to the potato where it is changed into starch to be stored.

Plant Cells:

A typical plant cell:

Diagram 2, Structure of a typical Plant Cell

Cell Membranes:

Plant cell membranes are selectively permeable, allowing only certain sized molecules to pass through it. It contains pores or holes, which are too small to allow some molecules to diffuse in or out of the cell, such as starch. Other molecules diffuse slowly through it because they must hit the membrane at the right angle, like glucose. But water molecules are small enough to diffuse freely in and out of the cell


Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration, to an area of low concentration through a partially permeable membrane.

Turgid and flaccid cells:

When the cell has a higher level of concentration of water on the outside of the cell than inside the cell, the water moves in through the partially permeable membrane to even the concentrations in and out of the cell. This makes the cell turgid and full of water. The Vacuole increases in size and the cell membrane presses against the cell wall, making the cell wall stretch. The cell increases in mass and volume and becomes well supported. Diagram 3.
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Diagram 3, A Turgid Cell Diagram 4, A Flaccid Cell

If the plant is placed in a solution with a lower concentration of water on the outside of the cell than inside, then water moves out of the cell into the surrounding solution through the partially permeable membrane. This will cause the vacuole to shrink in size and the cell membrane and cytoplasm starts to pull away from the cell wall. This cell is described as flaccid and has less mass and volume than a typical cell. This cell can become turgid again by surrounding it with ...

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