To investigate the effect the length of a wire has on the resistance

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Reshmal Barot


Aim: To investigate the effect the length of a wire has on the resistance

V = I x R

Voltage = Current x Resistance

What is electric current and how is it measured?

Electric current is defined as the rate of flow of electric charge. Electric current is measured as the amount of charge which flows past a particular point in a particular point. Current is measured in amperes, but when written can be shortened to ‘A’ or ‘amps’. Below is the equation used to measure current in amperes.

Current (amps)    =         charge passing in coulombs

Time interval in seconds

An ammeter is used to measure electric currents, the ammeter measures how much charge is passing through it. An ammeter should be connected in a series circuit; also the positive terminal of the ammeter should be connected to the wire coming from the positive power supply. However it does not matter where you put the ammeter in the circuit, as long as the circuit doesn’t branch anywhere.

In order to for current to flow in a circuit a potential difference must exist.

What is potential difference and how is it measured?

Potential difference is also known as the voltage. The potential difference between two points in a circuit is defined as the amount of electrical energy changed to other forms of energy when a coulomb of charge passes between those two points.

In order to measure the voltage, firstly you will need to measure how much energy the cell provides to the electrons by measuring the difference in electrical potential energy on either side of the cell. Thus the difference in energy is called the potential difference or voltage. Voltage is measured in volts, using a voltmeter. The voltmeter should be connected in a parallel circuit.  

Increasing the voltages increases the current

Increasing the voltage across a source of electrical energy will also increase the current. This occurs because increasing the voltage also means increases the electric force which pushes electrons around the circuit, hence increases the rate of flow of charge around the circuit. This can also be understood by Ohm’s law, which is “the current flowing through a metallic conductor is proportional to the potential difference.”

What is resistance?

Resistance occurs when the electrons traveling within a circuit have a collision with the atoms. These collisions slow down the flow of electrons causing resistance. Resistance is a measure of how hard it is to move the electrons through a circuit.

How resistance is measured? 

Resistance is measured in units called ohms. A resistance of one ohm carries a current of one ampere if there is a potential difference of one volt across it. Resistance can be worked out by the equation below.

Resistance (ohms)  =         voltage (volts)

                Current (amps)

Resistors are used to measure resistance. There are a wide variety of resistors; they are set at a fixed value so that they are suitable for different appliances. Sometimes it is essential to be able to vary the resistance in a circuit or in an electrical appliance. Variable resistors are used to vary the voltage output of power supplies.

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Factors that can affect the resistance of a wire:

  1. Temperature: If the wire is heated up the atoms in the wire will start to vibrate because of their increase in energy. This causes more collisions between the electrons and the atoms as the atoms are moving into the path of the electrons. This increase in collisions means that there will be an increase in resistance.
  2. Material: The type of material will affect the amount of free electrons which are able to flow through the wire. The number of electrons depends on the amount of electrons ...

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