To investigate the factors affecting the volume of carbon dioxide produced when a carbonate reacts with an acid.

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To investigate the factors affecting the volume of carbon dioxide produced when a carbonate reacts with an acid.

Scientific Knowledge

When an acid reacts with a base, it forms a salt and water. When an acid reacts with a metal, it forms a salt and hydrogen. However, the general equation that will be useful to me in this experiment is when an acid reacts with a carbonate, it forms a salt, carbon dioxide and water.

Carbonate + Acid                         Salt + CO2 + H2O

From this general equation, I can decide an appropriate method.

When the three products are formed, a way of separating them must be figured out, because it is the volume of carbon dioxide that is being measured. This should not be too difficult, because carbon dioxide is a gas, whereas salts and water are not. Therefore, a delivery tube could be used to transfer the carbon dioxide to a measuring cylinder.

The volume of acid used in this experiment must be in excess. This means that it must exceed the volume needed to react with the maximum mass of carbonate. Therefore, as the maximum mass of carbonate used is 0.55g (worked out in preliminary work), the volume of acid must exceed the volume needed to totally react with 0.55g. Otherwise, the substances will not totally react, and the maximum volume of carbon dioxide will not be produced.

We can calculate the volume using the following equation…

Volume (dm3) =           Amount (mol)       .

                   Concentration (mol/dm3)

The maximum mass of carbonate that can be used is…

           RFM of CaCO3               .

Area 1mol of CO2 occupies        x Maximum capacity of measuring cylinder

  100 .                   1 .

24000        x 100 = 240  x 100 = 0.416666… = 0.42 (3sf)

The chemical equation for this experiment is:

CaCO3 + 2HCl                                CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

This shows that the ratio of carbonate (CaCO3) to acid (HCl) is 1:2.

Mass of CaCO3 = 0.42

RFM of CaCO3 = 100

So, Moles = Mass/RFM

Moles = 0.42/100 = approx. 1/240

The ratio of HCl:CaCO3 is 2:1, so we divide this by 2 to give 1/120

This is in dm3, so we multiply it by 1000 to give it in cm3.

1000 x 1/120 = Amount (mol)

We want the volume, so we divide the amount by the concentration (as shown in a previous general equation):

Volume = (1000 x 1/120) / 2 = 4.16666… = 4.2 (1dp)

This calculation of excess shows us that any volume above 4.2cm3 will be in excess.


The key factors, which could determine the volume of carbon dioxide produced, are:

  1. Concentration of acid: This variable is not very suitable for this experiment. Although it may affect the volume of carbon dioxide produced, it would be very difficult to find many different concentrations of acid. This means that not enough results would be made.


  1. Type of acid/carbonate: This variable may also affect the volume of carbon dioxide produce, but again not enough results would be able to be made, because it is very time consuming finding many acids or carbonates.

  1. Temperature: The temperature could also be a deciding factor, but it is very difficult to adjust the temperature accurately in a laboratory.

  1. Volume of acid: This is a better factor to vary, but it depends on the mass of carbonate used. Also, it cannot be varied unless a tiny mass of carbonate is used. This is because the volume of acid must be in excess.
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  1. Mass of carbonate: This is the factor that I have chosen to vary. It will provide a suitable number of results for the experiment. The carbonate used will be calcium carbonate, and the acid will be 2 molar hydrochloric acid.

After choosing the factor that I will vary, I must take into account that all other key factors must stay constant. This is important, because then only do we know that it is the variable chosen that is affecting the volume of CO2 produced.

Preliminary Work

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