To investigate the influence of the length of a eureka wire on it's resistance.

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GCSE Physics Coursework

Aim: To investigate the influence of the length of a eureka wire on it’s resistance.

Background Information


A Series Circuit

  • Series go on one after the other
  • There can be any number of components in a circuit.
  • In a series circuit the current is the same everywhere
  • The voltage in a series circuit is shared amongst its components 

Parallel Circuits

  • Parallel circuits are side by side
  • All parallel branches may be connected to the supply
  • The current in parallel circuits splits entering the branches and then rejoins leaving the branches
  • The voltage supply in a parallel is roughly the same as the supply voltage

Short Circuit

  • It is wherever the electricity has an easier path to flow along i.e. a path with low resistance
  • Log wires have long resistance and short wires have short resistance.
  • Charge flow is the flow of electrons around the circuit

Conventional Current

Using a millimetre


  • An ammeter has to be put in series with whatever you are measuring
  • You measure the current going through a component.
  • It is measured in A, Amps
  • You use Com and 10ADC terminals


  • It has to be put in parallel to whatever you are measuring
  • You are measuring the voltage across a component
  • It is measured in V, Volts
  • You use the Com and V terminals

The Standard Circuit Test

  • The Variable Resistor is used for two reasons:

  1. It allows a range of voltages and corresponding currents to be measured.
  2. It reduces the amount of current flowing through the test component.

Ohms Law

Voltage = Current x Resistance

  • To calculate resistance, current and voltage must first be calculated.
  • Resistance of a component is best measured when the resistance is measured a few times then the average taken.
  • Resistance is also measured using a Voltage/Current graph.

  • Voltage is directly proportional to the current
  • The gradient of a Voltage/Current graph is resistance
  • The voltage and current is plotted on a scatter graph with a line of best fit through the origin.
  • The main reason why you use it to find resistance is because it does not count for anomalous points.
  • Ohms Law states that the voltage across a component is directly proportional to the current through it at a steady temperature.

The Movement of Electrons

When there is no voltage in a metallic conductor there is no current. Electrons don’t stay still when there is no resistance they move very fats and in all directions.

Electrons move at 1/1000 the speed of light, they move at 300,000 m/s.

When you do apply voltage the electrons start drifting slowly along and they are moving in the same direction.

There is an important temperature called absolute temperature, which is 273° C. Atoms below 273°C do not vibrate, and everything above it does.

At room temperature atoms move a bit from side to side.

When current flows the electrons collide with the vibrating atoms

When metal gets hot the atoms vibrate more vigorously, the electrons are then more likely to bump into the atoms which means resistance has increased.


  • In a series circuit the total resistances of the circuit is the sum of all the resistances added together.
  • The formula used to calculate the total resistance is RT=R1+R2. If there are more resistors they will be known as R3, R4, R5…
  • The only advantage of a series circuit is that the resistance is shared out between on the components. Therefore none of the components will blow unless the voltage is very high.
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R1                  +                    R2




Independent - The thing I will change will be the length of the eureka wire.

Dependant - I will be measuring Voltage in Volts and Current in Amps.

Controlled - I will be keeping the same the temperature, the type of material, the cross sectional area, the power pack, the voltmeter and the Ammeter.


I predict that long wires will have long resistance and that short wires ...

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