To Investigate the Movement of Osmosis Through a Potato Sample.

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Aim:  to investigate the movement of osmosis through a potato sample.

Hypothesis: Osmosis is the movement of water through a semi permeable membrane, separating solutions of different concentrations. The water passes from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, until the two concentrations are equal in concentrations of water.

        Many cell membranes behave as semi permeable membranes, and osmosis is a vital mechanism in the transport of fluids in living organisms, for example, in the transport of water from the soil to the roots in plants.

        If a cell is in contact with a solution of lower water concentration than its own contents, then water leaves the cell by osmosis, through the cell membrane. Water is lost first from the cytoplasm, then the vacuole through the tonoplast. The living contents of the cell contracts and eventually pulls away from the cell wall and shrinks, this is known as Plasmolysis.

        If you put a plant cell in water, water enters by Osmosis, then swells up. However, the cell will not burst. This is due to the fact that the cell walls are made from cellulose, which is extremely strong. Eventually, the cell stops swelling, and when this point is reached, we say the cell is turgid. This is important, because it makes plant stems strong and upright.

Osmosis diagram:

I predict, that as concentration increases, the weight of the potato will decrease. My reasoning behind this, is that the higher the concentration of glucose in a solution, the lower the concentration of water. When the potato chip is put into the solution, it will, through osmosis, lose some of its water, and the water will diffuse into the solution of glucose, causing the potato chip to lose water, and so decreasing in weight.

        However, if the potato sample is placed into a solution with a 0% sugar concentration, it should gain weight. This is because the solution has a greater water potential (its molecules’ ability to move) than the potato sample, and so water moves from a region of high concentration (the solution) to a region of low concentration (the potato sample.)

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Predicted graphs

I predict my graphs will look like this because, in graph 1, the potato chip used for 0 molar concentration will gain water, as the water moves from a region of high concentration (the solution) to a region of low concentration (the potato chip.) This result will be an example of when the solution is Hypotonic to the potato. However, in the middle of the scale, say 0.2 molar concentration; the graph will go right down, due to the fact that the solution will be isotonic to the ...

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