to investigate the water potential of potato tuber cells.

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The aim of this practical is to investigate the water potential of potato tuber cells.


Water potential (Yw, psi), which is a measure of the energy state of water is affected by dissolved solutes, pressure and matrix particles. The contribution to water potential by dissolved solutes, termed osmotic potential (Ys), is always negative in sign. In other words, solutes decrease the water potential. The contribution of pressure (Yp) may be positive, negative or zero, but is generally positive since most plant cells are turgid (turgor pressure). The contribution due to the binding of water to colloidal particles (matrix) and surfaces, termed matrix potential (Ym), also lowers the water potential. Although it is often small enough to be ignored, matrix potential is important when talking about soil water relations. Thus, the water potential of a plant system can be arithmetically represented by the equation:

Yw = Ys + Yp + Ym


I predict that the higher the water concentration of sucrose solution the lower the water potential, and the lower the concentration of the solution the higher the water potential. Therefore, when the highest concentration of sucrose solution is immersed with a potato cylinder it has a low water potential and as a result the potato cylinder will lose water and also mass. However, when a potato cylinder is added to a solution of low concentration it has higher water potential and therefore, the potato cylinder gains water and mass.

Thus, it could be stated that water potential is indirectly proportional to concentration. This means that when the concentration increases the water potential decreases and vice versa.

Potato cylinder that is placed in the highest concentration of sucrose solution will have the lowest water potential, and as a result the potato cylinder will have the greatest loss in water and therefore, when weighed, you would observe there is a loss in mass compared to the other potato cylinders. As the concentration decreases less water and mass is lost. Except for when one of the potato cylinders make neither a loss or gain in mass, which means the water potential of one potato cylinder is equal to that of the solution (it is in a state of equilibrium). As the concentration becomes lower after this point is met, the potato cylinders will gain water and therefore, gain in mass and will have the highest value.


There are many factors, which determine the flow of water between cells, and over a semi-permeable membrane, these are listed below:

Water Potential.

The cytoplasm of the plant cell, with its enclosed vacuole, is contained within a membrane that is more permeable to water than to most solutes. The water potential of a cell relative to that of the surrounding solution determines whether water will move into or out of the cell. Water potential can be described mathematically as the sum of the osmotic potential and the pressure potential.

The osmotic potential (OP) is a function of the dissolved solute concentration (see equation below), and it tends to pull water into the cell via osmosis. In opposition to this force is the pressure potential (PP), which equals the pressure of the cell wall and membrane on the cell contents. While the osmotic potential is always negative, the pressure potential may be positive (pressure) or negative (tension), but is usually positive.


If a cell is placed in a solution, which has a R that is higher than that of the cell, there will be a net movement of water into the cell. However, if the surrounding solution has a lower R than in the cell, there will be a net movement of water out of the cell. If this latter situation continues, the plasma membrane and cytoplasm will pull away from the cell wall, a condition known as plasmolysis.

At incipient plasmolysis, there is no longer a pressure potential exerted by the wall (i.e. PP=0), and therefore, under that condition, R=OP. It should also be noted that for solutions, R = OP. A solution which just causes incipient plasmolysis thus, has a water potential and by inference, osmotic potential that is similar to the water potential (and osmotic potential) of the cell cytoplasm.

Matrix Potential

Water molecules can form hydrogen bonds with the surface of soil minerals (adsorption) as well as with other water molecules (cohesion). In soil (i.e., the soil water content is less than the porosity), adsorptive forces develop between the soil mineral surfaces and the soil water. These forces exert a pull on the soil water. This pull between the soil and the water molecules close to the particle surface is distributed throughout the soil water by the cohesive forces between water molecules. The process is much like the forces that develop within a chain of people holding hands with the person on each end of the chain holding onto a fixed structure like a building. If any member of the chain tries to move, they are restrained by the pull of their neighbor, which can be traced, to the pull between the end-person and the building.
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As external forces attempt to remove water from the soil, water is restrained or held in the soil by these adhesive and cohesive forces. This places the soil water under tension, this tension or pull on the soil water causes the potential energy of the water to decrease relative to free water (i.e., water not held under tension). Therefore, water in soil can be held under tension because of the adsorption of water to the soil particles. Water held under tension has less potential energy per unit quantity of water than reference water (free water), therefore, has a ...

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