To investigate what affects the speed a trolley a reaches on a runway

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To investigate what affects the speed a trolley a reaches on a runway

Background Knowledge:

Potential energy is the energy an object has due to its height.

Change in PE =Weight x Change in height

                           PE =Mgh

Kinetic energy is energy possessed by a moving object.

        Kinetic energy =½ x Mass x Speed spuared

                        KE =½mv²

Conservation of energy:

The principle of conservation of energy:

Energy can be changed from one form to another but it cannot be created or destroyed.

Equations of motion:

V  = u+at

S  = ut + ½at²

v² = u² + 2as

u+v=  s

  1. =  t 


 The key factors which are likely to affect our investigation are listed below



        Mass of trolley

        The distance the trolley has to travel

We are going to investigate how height affects the speed of the trolley, this is our independent variable. We are going to use physics text books which are 4cm thick to ramp the runway.

We are going to measure the speed that the trolley reaches travelling down the runway, this is our Dependant variable.

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My controlled variable are going to be the Mass of the trolley, Friction and the Distance the trolley has to travel.


When the height of the runway is increased I think the speed of the travelling trolley will also increase.

I think this will happen because when the height of the runway is increased the trolley  gains more potential energy therefore giving it an increase of kinetic energy as it moves down the runway. This is shown in the diagram below.

Height                         PE

                                             PE     KE



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