To monitor the rate of reaction we measure how a product changes with time, I am going to collect the gas given off when magnesium reacts with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid at a given time.

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Investigating the rate of reaction by changing the concentration

Aim: To monitor the rate of reaction we measure  how a product changes with time, I am going to collect the gas given off when magnesium reacts with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid at a given time. I think that by increasing the concentration of the acid we will increase the rate of reaction.

In this experiment I am going observe and record the reaction between magnesium and different concentrations of hydrochloric acid

I am going to investigate how temperature affects the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

My question is to see that if I change the concentration of the Hydrochloric acid for each experiment I will see an increase or decrease in the rate of reaction between Hydrochloric acid and Magnesium ribbon.

I am intending to react a chosen length of magnesium ribbon with a chosen volume of hydrochloric acid. I will measure the rate of reaction by collecting the hydrogen gas that is produced in a gas syringe that will be connected, via a piece of rubber tubing and a rubber bung to the conical flask that the reaction will take place. I will quickly drop the length of magnesium into the flask and connect the rubber bung to it. I will then start the stop clock and record the volume of gas evolved every 5 seconds for 15 seconds. I have chosen these times because I only need three results as I am going to measure the initial rate of reaction and not the average. I will repeat each experiment so that my results are reliable and reproducible.

* Hypothesis

I predict that as the temperature increases, the speed of the reaction will increase therefore the gas will be produced faster. I believe this because most chemical reactions happen faster when the temperature is higher. At higher temperatures molecules mover around faster, which makes it easier for them to react together. Usually, a rise of 10OC will double the rate of reaction.
Chemical reactions take place by chance. Particles need to collide with enough velocity so that they react. As the temperature is increased the particles move faster since they have more energy. This means that they are colliding more often and more of the collisions have enough velocity to cause a reaction. Since there are more collisions the chemical reaction takes place faster.

My prediction is that the higher the concentration of the acid then the higher the rate of the reaction will be. I am saying this because of the collision theory. The higher the concentration of acid then the higher the number of acid particles present per 100cm3 of acid. This means that there will be more collisions per second, which means there will be more successful collisions per second, so the rate of reaction will increase.

If I double the concentration of the acid from 1M hydrochloric acid to 2M hydrochloric acid then I will expect to see the rate of the reaction double. This is because there are twice as many acid particles in 2M hydrochloric acid than in 1M hydrochloric acid, so there will be twice the amount of collisions per second and because there are twice the amount of collisions per second then there will be twice as many successful collisions per second, increasing the rate of reaction.

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Rates of Reaction: Magnesium Strips and Hydrochloric Acid Introduction Rates of reaction occur when two chemicals bond. The chemical bonds can be either very strong or very weak. I expect that when I add magnesium to the hydrochloric acid that depending on the amount of hydrochloric acid that the acid will eventually dissolve the magnesium and consequently produce hydrogen gas. All chemical reactions involve reactants. When these reactants are mixed together they cause a chemical reaction to occur which will make products. The reactants that I will use are hydrochloric acid and magnesium. I predict that the chemical reaction ...

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This report is very limited with no data, graphs evaluation or conclusion. It seems as though two separate reports have been combined. Only one variable should be manipulated to determine the effect of either temperature or concentration on the rate of reaction.