transpiration lab

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Comparing transpiration rates on different sides of a leaf

Aim: To compare the rates of transpiration between the lower and upper surface of a leaf.

Hypothesis: Leaf A will have the greatest change in mass, whereas leaf C will have the least change in mass. This is because leaf A is covered on the upper surface which will allow a lot of transpiration to take place. Leaf C will have the least evaporation taking place as the entire leaf is covered with Vaseline.

Scientific theory: Transpiration is the  of  from aerial parts of , especially  but also ,  and . Transpiration is a side effect of the plant needing to open its  in order to obtain  gas from the air for . Transpiration also cools plants and enables  of  from  to . Mass flow is caused by the decrease in hydrostatic (water) pressure in the upper parts of the plants due to the  of water out of  into the . Water is absorbed at the roots by , and any dissolved mineral nutrients travel with it through the .

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The rate of transpiration is directly related to whether the stomata are open or closed. The amount of water lost by a plant depends on its size, along with the surrounding  intensity, , ,  speed, and   supply. The reason that an increase in temperature will cause an increase in transpiration rate is because an increase in temperature will cause more water to evaporate from the cell walls inside the leaf. This will increase the water potential gradient between the leaf interior and the outside air causing water to leave the leaf more quickly, thereby increasing the rate of transpiration.

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*** Some errors in the planning and presentation of data together with a weak analysis make this an average account of a classic experiment.