Undertake an experiment to understand the effect of varying sucrose concentration on osmosis in potato chips, and to try and find where incipient plasmolysis lies between these experiments.

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Biology Coursework


Undertake an experiment to understand the effect of varying sucrose concentration on osmosis in potato chips, and to try and find where incipient plasmolysis lies between these experiments.  

Background Knowledge

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from regions of high water potential to regions of lower water potential through a semi-permeable membrane until equilibrium is reached.

Semi-permeable membranes hold back larger molecules that water, not allowing them through, and this is particularly important in plant cells for maintaining turgor.

Plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall, and cell walls are fully permeable which means that it will let any molecules through it; therefore osmosis will not occur across it. A plant cell also has a cell membrane, and just like an animal cell it is selectively permeable. A plant cell, in the same way as an animal cell, will take in the water by the process of osmosis through its selectively permeable cell membrane if placed in pure water. As the water enters the cell, the cytoplasm and vacuole will expand and swell.

However plant cells have a very strong cell wall. Cell walls are a lot stronger than cell membranes, and they stop the cell from bursting. When there is a higher water potential outside the cell and a lower water potential inside, and water has entered the plant cell through the semi-permeable membrane by osmosis, the cytoplasm presses out against the cell wall, but the cell wall resists this pressure and pushes back onto the contents. At this stage the cell is said to be turgid.

Hence, when there is higher water potential inside the cell as opposed to outside, water will exit the cell through the semi-permeable membrane by osmosis and the cell will shrink. At this point the cell is said to be flaccid.

Incipient Plasmolysis is when the concentration of water on both sides of the semi-permeable membrane is equal, in equilibrium; therefore there will be no gain or loss in weight.

An experiment to show what happens to plant cells in pure water and strong sugar solution.


I predict that in the experiment with the strongest concentrated sucrose solution, the potato chip within the solution will shrink due to water moving from the potato cells through the semi-permeable membrane and into the sucrose solution causing the cells to become flaccid, hence the potato shrinking. This is because there is a higher water potential inside the potato cells than in the sucrose solution, and osmosis tells me that water moves from a high water potential to a lower, therefore the potato will lose water and shrink.    

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I predict that in the experiment with the weakest concentrated sucrose solution, the potato chip will expand due to water entering the cells of the potato from the sucrose solution through the semi-permeable membrane of the cells, causing the potato cells to become turgid. This is because there is higher water potential outside the chip in the sucrose solution than in the chips, and in osmosis water moves from areas of higher water potentials to areas of lower water potential.

Therefore, I also predict that the experiment where there will be incipient plasmolysis, where the potato chip will ...

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