Water and its importance to living things

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Water and its importance to living things

Think of what it is you need to survive...Water. Water is essnetial to life itself. Without water life on earth would not exist. It is a major importance to living things, in some organisms up to 90% of their body weight derives from water, the brain is composed of 70% water, and 60% of the human body is water and up to 70-95% of the mass of cells is water.

It also provides an enviroment for organisms to live in, 75% of the earth is covered in water.

Water is a simple molecule made up of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, H2O.

A pair of electron is shared between an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom,

These electrons are not shared equally, the oxygen has a slight negative charge and the hyrdogens have a slight positive charge. This leaves an unequal charge of distribution, known as a dipole. When water molecules are close together the positively charged hydrogen atoms are attracted to the negatively chraged oxygen atoms, to form a weak hydrogen bond. The bonds are weak but a large number of the molecules put together provides a large enough force to keep keep the molecules together. Because water is a polar molecule, it can dissolve other polar or ionic substances.

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Molecules that are attracted to water or dissolve in it are known as hydrophillic substances.

Water can seperate covalantely bonded molecules such as glucose, this is because the hydroxyl groups (-OH) in its structure forms hydrogen bonds with the water, this seperates the molecules from one another. Most biochemical reactions such as respiration occur in solutions, so it is vital that water is a solvent. Water has a high specific heat capacity, this means that to raise a 1g of water to 1°C you need 4.2J of energy, this therefore means that alot of enrgey is required to raise ...

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