Water is said to have unique properties. Explain what these are and show in what ways these properties are so important to life.

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Water is said to have unique properties. Explain what these are and show in what ways these properties are so important to life.

Water has many properties which makes it unique to all other lquids. It is one of the most important substances and even make up 80% of the body and 2/3 of the world.

Many of the physical and chemical properties that make water so unique is due to its structure. Water is composed of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Each hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to the oxygen. Oxygen also has two unshared pairs of electrons which has strong repulsion forces pushing the hydrogens further away. (see diagram 1) The bond angle between these hydrogen bonds is 105. This arrangement results in a polar molecule. This is due to the fact that there is a net negative charge toward the oxygen end of the molecule due to the unshared pairs of electrons and a net positive charge at the hydrogen end. The water molecle is therefore attracted to the opposite side of another water molecule, with each oxygen being able to attract two nearby hydrogen atoms. (see diagram2). Hydrogen Bonding is strong enough to keep water liquid at ordinary temperatures; its low molecular weight would normally tend to make it a gas at such temperatures.

Diagram 1                                            Diagram 2

A water molecule



Water as a universal solvent

Water is unique in that it dissolves more substances than any other and is known as the universal solvent. In sodium chloride the ions are held together through its strong attractions to each other. (Sodium chloride is made up of Na + ions and Cl- ions and opposites attract very strongly) However when added to water the attraction lowers, resulting in the ions parting from each other and mix into the solution. Water weakens the attraction between the ions ,because water has both positive and negative charges

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And so attracts both. Once the ions have separated they are prevented from rejoining by water molecules clustering round each of them. Therefore water is an extremely good solvent from which ionic solids and polar molecules easily dissolve in it. This property is very important in every day life. Wherever water goes , in the ground or through our bodies it is able to carry along valuable chemicals, minerals and nutrients. It is also of great biological importance because all the chemical reactions that take place in cells do so in aqueous solution. Carbon dioxide also dissolves in water to ...

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