What affects the resistance of a piece of wire-Analysis

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What affects the resistance of a piece of wire-Analysis

As I was collecting my data I noticed a pattern straight away. As the length of wire increased the current getting through the resisting wire was decreasing- (The resistance was increasing.) When the wire was 10cm long the resistance was 0.4484 and when the wire was 20cm long the resistance was 0.8929. I am now sure that part of my prediction was correct-As the wire gets longer the resistance increases.
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The second part of my prediction-The resistance will be proportional to the length was not obvious from my results table so I drew two graphs-Length against amps and length against resistance. The first graph showed a curved line -meaning that the length of the wire is not proportional to the amps. But the second graph was a straight line showing that the length of the wire is proportional to the resistance so the second part of my prediction was also correct.

My prediction is right and I have collected enough evidence to support it well


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