What do we know with absolute certainty ?

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What do we know with absolute certainty ?

In this essay some of the certainties that humans know will be mentioned and discussed. The essay will contain an introduction paragraph where the certainties are going to be mentioned, a middle part which is going to be a brainstorming about the certainties and the last paragraph is going to be the conclusion and my own opinion about what I think people know with absolute certainty.

There are many things in the world which people say we know with absolute certainty, but is that really true. Lets take for example the earth, we know with absolute certainty that there are 4 seasons which are winter, spring, summer and autumn, but can we really say that there are 4 seasons? In Southern Africa the people which lived there for their whole life don’t know the true meaning of the word seasons because there are no seasons in Africa its just day and night. A similar example can be the Antarctic which is icy throughout the year and u don’t notice if it is spring or summer.

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Another fact that we know with absolute certainty is that we cannot breathe as soon as we leave the atmosphere, but how can we really tell that we cannot breather as soon as we leave the atmosphere? Of course there are devices which show us if there is oxygen present or not but how can we know if the devices are correct or how do we know that we cannot breathe in space. Maybe there are gasses unknown to human kind which the body can take in and keep on living just like oxygen.

One more thing we ...

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Although this essay has a point to make it generally lacks research. 1. The author should conduct some background reading before discussing concepts. 2. Large general claims, such as we do not know anything, should be avoided. 3. The conclusion needs to be revised. ***