What dogs need

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What Dogs Need

People and animals need the same things to be happy and healthy. 

Just like you, your dog needs food, water, shelter, grooming, health care, and love.

Below shows things, which help dogs to stay happy and healthy!

Water For Your Dog

Your dog needs at least 2 dishes filled with fresh water everyday. One should be in the house and the other should be outside.

The water should always be kept clean, cool and fresh. If the water gets dirty or warm during the day, your dog would be very happy to get a cool refill.

Did you know that your dog's water would freeze in the winter when it is very cold? It will also get too warm in hot, summer weather. If the water is too warm, it cannot cool your dog's body. Here are some special tips to help keep your dog safe and happy in hot and cold weather.

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Shelter For Your Dog

People and animals need shelter from the harsh elements of weather. Wild animals go to their den or cave to escape the hot sun and cold rain. A shelter provides safety from other animals that might cause them harm. A shelter is a safe area to call home. A dog without a fenced yard or enclosed patio is a dog that is not safe. Dogs that are allowed to run loose will eventually become lost, stolen or hit by a car. This is not a safe situation for your dog and it is against the law. ...

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