What effect does exercise have on your body?

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Ben Oates 11M

What effect does exercise have on your body?

Trial Run :

Aim : To see the effect that exercise has on your pulse rate.

Method :         1.         Take pulse rate at rest.

                2.         Skip on the pot for one minute.

                3.        Take pulse every minute for five minutes, after.

                4.        Repeat steps 1-3 increasing the skipping time by one minute each time up to five minutes.

Results :

From these results obtained in my trial run I can see that many results are anomalous and do not seem to fit into a steady pattern. For my investigation I will attempt to obtain clearer and firmer results that fit into a pattern. I will be doing this by making sure we use the same person for all the skipping as we did not do this for the trial. I am also going to change the table by attaining two results for each time and only measure the pulse rate straight after the allotted time minusing this from the rest to get and change then we will work the average out of the two results as it will be easier and clearer to plot onto a graph.

Aim : To see the effect of exercise on your pulse rate.

Hypothesis : I predict that the pulse rate would increase with the exercise. This is because our cells in our body needs more oxygen and glucose because as this aerobic respiration shows

Oxygen + Glucose  Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

6O        + C H O                    6CO          + 6H O  + Energy

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we need oxygen and glucose to gain energy. We will need more energy when exercising because we have been using it. The blood contains Oxygen and Glucose, so our blood pumps faster when exercising to get these products to the cells for respiration.

Fair Test : To make this investigation a fair test we will be using the same person to measure the pulse of as different people have different fitness levels and recovery rates.

Safety : To make sure this investigation is safe we will be skipping in a place with sufficient room to support ...

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