What Factors Affect How High a Ping-Pong Ball Bounces?

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Rebecca Johnson


What Factors Affect How High a Ping-Pong Ball Bounces?

Aim-To investigate what factors affect how high a ping-pong ball bounces.


The main factors that will affect how high a ping-pong ball bounces are,

  • Height of drop
  • Pressure of air in ball
  • Type of surface
  • Mass of ball
  • Angle of surface
  • Material of surface
  • Material of ball
  • Diameter of ball
  • Acceleration due to gravity
  • Temperature of ball  

I have decided to vary the height from which the ping-pong ball is dropped. Once I have collected all of my results I will work out the amount of GPE for each height using the equation,

Gravitational potential energy (J) = mass (Kg) x gravitational field strength (N/Kg) x vertical height (m)

GPE = m x g x h

The gravitational field strength is always constant at 10m/s2 (or to be precise 9.82 m/s2 ). I will then work out the kinetic energy using the equation,

Kinetic energy (J) = ½ x mass (Kg) x velocity2 (m/s2)                                                

Ke = ½ m x v2

Equipment list

In order to make the experiment run smoothly I will make an equipment list. I will need,

1x clamp- to hold the metre ruler securely in place

1x 15cm ruler- to use as a marker to help me to read accurate measurements

1x retort stand- to support the clamp, which will be holding the metre ruler in place

2x metre rulers- to show how high the ball bounces in cm

1x ping-pong ball- will be dropped and the height at which it bounces to will be recorded

1x suitable surface

2cm piece of sellotape

Below is a diagram to show how the equipment will be set up and used.


  1. First of all I will attach the metre rulers together using sellotape so that I can still see the measurements in between.
  2. I then will clamp the rulers in place using the retort stand and clamp at about 50cm, so that it is secure. I will make sure that the angle of the ruler will be at 90o. 
  3. Then at each of the seven heights I will drop the ball and watch it bounce back up. I will record the height it reaches using a 15 cm ruler as a marker.
  4. I will repeat step 3 five times for three experiments.
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Preliminary Work

I decided to do two experiments previously to see what height from which the ball is dropped and what type of surface would be suitable. I found out that the best height to drop the ping-pong ball would be 50 cm, because the potential energy at this point is quite high at 1200 J; therefore I should receive a good set of readings. I think that a set of eight readings would be suitable; therefore I will start at 50 cm and take a set of readings at 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm, ...

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