What Factors affects the resistance of a wire?

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What Factors affects the resistance of a wire?


The main aim of this experiment is to investigate how the length of a wire affects the resistance of a wire. Some variables that affect the resistance of the wire, relevant to this investigation include:

  1. Length
  2. Thickness (cross-sectional area)
  3. Temperature
  4.  Voltage
  5.  Resistance
  6. Material

The resistance of a conductor must stay constant in order for a graph of voltage against current to show a straight line.

The length of the wire will affect the resistance. This is because the longer the wire the further the electrons have to travel, making more collisions along the way which slows down electron flow. The type of material will affect the resistance due to electrons having to pass through the material. Electrons find it easier to pass through some materials than others. It is the free electrons that carry the electrical charge. The more free electrons in the outer shell of atoms, the more electrons there are to carry charge and the lower the resistance.The thickness of the constantan wire would also have an affect on the resistance because the larger the cross sectional area of a wire the smaller its resistance. Temperature affects the resistance of a wire because if the temperature rises it would make the atoms vibrate more violently and increase the resistance because there are more collisions between electrons and atoms. In some substances increasing the temperature also lowers the resistance.

I will be investigating how a length of a constantan wire affects the resistance of a wire.

Variables involved- The actual experiment:

For this experiment there are three different variables, Independent, Dependant, and fixed variables. These then help to explain the experiment thoroughly.

The independent variable: (the thing I change) the thing I will be changing in this experiment is the different length intervals e.g. stopping the crocodile clip at: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 cm.  

Dependant Variable: (thing that you measure) the things I will be measuring in this experiment is the current and voltage of each interval point the crocodile clip stops at: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 cm. I will then work out the resistance after this.

Fixed Variables: (things that I will keep the same) the thing I have chosen to keep the same is the material of the constantan wire to keep the experiment a fair test. I will be keeping the voltage on the power pack the same throughout the experiment, again to keep the experiment a fair test. I shall carry out the experiment at room temperature or the particles in the wire will vibrate faster (if the temperature is increased), this will therefore have an effect on the resistance. I will maintain the same apparatus throughout the experiment for example wires, variable resistor, power pack and crocodile clips. The same ruler was used to measure the wire each time.

Keeping these control variables constant will ensure that accurate and reliable results will be achieved, which will allow firm conclusions to be reached.

Fair Test:

It is very important for this experiment to be a fair test. If this experiment isn’t a fair test, you would be obtaining inaccurate and unreliable results, which would prevent valid conclusions being reached.

  • Make sure, the chosen constantan wire that is sellotaped to a metre rule is laid out flat and straight with no kinks in it. This will ensure more accurate and reliable results, because the length will then be accurate.
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  • The material of the wire must also be kept the same throughout the experiment as different materials have different conductivity.

  • Maintain the same apparatus, for more reliable, accurate results.

  • I should also take more than one result so that I can work out an average, this will help me to detect anomalous results, which can then be repeated to ensure that the most accurate average possible is gained.

  • Make sure the voltage on the power pack is the same throughout the experiment for more accurate and reliable results.

  • Make sure that the surrounding room ...

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