What Factors Can Affect a Chemical Reaction?

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What Factors Can Affect a Chemical Reaction?

Reactions can occur at all sorts of different rates. One of the slowest reactions is the rusting of iron. A moderate speed reaction is a metal e.g. Magnesium, reacting with acid to produce a gentle stream of bubbles. A really fast reaction is an explosion, where it is all over in a fraction of a second.

        The speed of a reaction can be observed either by how quickly the reactants are used up or how quickly the products are forming. There are three different ways that the speed of a reaction can be measured: -                

  • Precipitation
  • Change in Mass
  • The Volume of Gas given off

The rate of a reaction depends on the four following things: -

  • Temperature
  • Concentration
  • Catalysts
  • Size of Particles

Reactions are explained by The Collision Theory. This states that the rate of a reaction simply depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each other. The basic idea of the theory is that the particles have to collide and collide hard enough to react.

  Chemical A                                                                       Chemical B

I have decided to investigate how the temperature during a reaction can affect the rate at which that reaction occurs. I believe that by increasing the temperature of a reactant, the rate of the reaction will increase. My hypothesis can be explained by The Collision Theory. This is how the theory is applied to my hypothesis: -

Increase the temperature of a reactant

Provides the particles with more heat energy

They move around faster

They collide more often and with greater force

There are more successful collisions

The reaction is faster

        As the flow chart shows, fast collisions increase the rate of reactions. So the higher temperatures increase the energy of the collisions, because it makes all the particles move faster.

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        ‘Faster Collisions are only caused by increasing the temperature’. Reactions only happen if the particles collide with enough energy. At higher temperatures there will be more particles colliding with enough energy to make the reaction occur. This initial energy is known as the Activation Energy, and it is needed to break the initial bonds.

        To prove my hypothesis I am going to investigate how the rate of a chemical reaction can be affected by the temperature, by performing an experiment. In the experiment my reactants will consist of Hydrochloric Acid and Marble Chips. I have chosen this as an experiment ...

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