What is the concentration inside a potato cell?

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Thomas Sherriff 10B                                                                              Biology Coursework

Year 10 Biology Coursework        

What is the concentration inside a potato cell?


I aim to find out what concentration there is inside a potato cell. From previous experiments, I know that water molecules will travel from areas of high concentration to low concentration though partially permeable cell walls to even out the ratio between the concentration of solution outside the cell and the concentration inside the cell.


This process is known as Osmosis. I can use the principle of osmosis to find out the concentration inside a potato cell. I can observe the effect on weight the solution has had on the potato after a suitable time of incubation has taken place.


To do this experiment I will need to use about 5 potatoes, 10 test tubes, Differing levels of concentrated sucrose, stopwatch, and apparatus to cut the potato.


I will cut the potatoes into 10 equal sized pieces, and measure their weight, making sure that I note it down. All the pieces of potato will be placed in individual test tubes of sucrose, each with a different concentration. I will use 40ml of sucrose as it will completely cover the potato, and is just less than the volume of the test tube.

  The potato will be left to incubate for 40 minutes, as that will give them time to work, and show the difference between the concentrations, without giving them time to reach equilibrium, and after that they will be taken out. I will gently rub off the solution clinging to the outside to get an accurate second weight reading, but be careful not to squeeze any water out from inside the potatoes, as that will also alter my results. I will then weigh the potatoes again, to work out the weight difference, which will give me the data to work out the percentage change. These results can be plotted on a graph, and where the line intercepts the X-axis, is the isotonic point, at which the concentrations outside and inside match each other. I will repeat the experiment two further times, or place 3 pieces of potato in the same test tube to get repeat tests quickly, which will make sure I counter act any anomalous results that I may find. To increase accuracy, I will use the balance that gives the most accurate reading, which is a number to 2 decimal places.


When doing the experiment, I must make sure I am careful with the equipment used to cut the potato. I will not eat or drink the potato or sucrose respectively.

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My independent variable will be the concentration of the sucrose in which the potato is incubated. From a preliminary experiment, I know that the concentration of a potato cell lies between 0.0M sucrose and 1.0M sucrose. I will use ten values in between 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M, 0.4M, 0.5M, 0.6M, 0.7M, 0.8M, 0.9M and 1.0M. The range was decided by the information I gathered during a preliminary experiment. I will make these concentrations by diluting down sucrose from 1M to the desired concentration.  I will keep time of incubation constant, as if I leave  the experiment for too ...

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