What is the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme catalase?

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Lab Report #2: Enzyme LabAim: What is the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme catalase?Variables:Independent: the different amount of drops of Hydrochloric acid (HCL)/Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and the substances which were tested.Dependent: The height to which the bubbles rose in the test tube after the addition of liver (measured in millimetres).Control: Amount of water, (20ml), Hydrogen peroxide (2.5ml) and liver puree (5 drops) in each of the beakers.Background Information:        In living organisms, many chemical reactions must take place in order for it to function normally. These chemical reactions involve the breaking and reforming of chemical bonds between substrates of the reaction. However, though many chemical reactions occur spontaneously, processes such as the metabolic pathways, involve multiple chemical reactions which have to occur in a specific order. This is where a biological catalysts, known as the enzyme, plays a very important role. You see, enzymes have the task of catalyzing, (or speeding up), chemical reactions in a cell, all so that they can occur in a timely and sequential manner. The enzyme catalase, for instance, has the role of breaking down the toxic Hydrogen peroxide in animal and plant cells. Hydrogen peroxide is the byproduct of metabolism that has the ability to destroy cells if not removed. As Hydrogen peroxide is toxic if an accumulation occurs, catalase must quickly break it down into water (H20) and oxygen (02).H202       -------->       H20 + 02               As enzymes, such as catalase, are sensitive to the conditions in which they operate, they have a set, (known as optimum) temperature and pH in which they work best. The pH is the acidity level of a substance, and is determined by the number of Hydrogen ions. pH is measured on a scale from 1 to 14 by using
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pH strips of paper. The numbers 0-7 represent an acidic pH, and 7-14 represent a low, otherwise known as a ‘basic’ pH. The optimum pH for catalase is seven. In this lab, we aimed to test this statement by investigating the effect of pH on the activity of catalase, (which has an optimum pH of 7). We used liver as a source of catalase as liver is one of the central detoxifying organs in the body, and therefore needs catalase in order to breakdown Hydrogen Peroxide.Prediction:        Before the outcome of the experiment was known, I predicted that beaker number three, ...

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