What is the relationship between the length of an electrically conductive metal wire, and its electric resistance?

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Research Question

What is the relationship between the length of an electrically conductive metal wire, and its electric resistance?


It is predicted that as the length of the wire increases, so will its electric resistance. The length of the wire used and its resistance will be directly proportional. Therefore, one should expect a relationship of the form

R = k · L

Between the two variables, where R is wire resistance, L is wire length, and k is a constant.

The hypothesis springs from the assumption that the wire will follow the theoretical relationship between resistance and length of a wire:

   R    =     ρ · L 


Dictated by many scientific experiments. This equation holds that the resistance of a metal wire is proportional to its length and resistivity (p), and inversely proportional to its cross sectional area (A). Note that resistivity is a constant dependent on the material the wire is made of. Although not specifically tested in this experiment, the constant predicted in the first equation should in fact represent                                



if it adheres to the theoretical equation linking resistance and length of a wire. Its unit is therefore (Ω·m)/m2  = Ωm-1


  • Length of the wire.
  • Wire temperature
  • Wire cross sectional area
  • Electric current flowing through wire
  • Potential difference across the wire
  • Resistance of the wire

The length of the wire will be changed by fixed values and is hence an independent variable. The resistance of the wire will be affected by these changes, making wire resistance a dependent variable that shall be examined. Resistance in itself will vary the current flowing through the wire. Current is thus also a dependent variable. The other variables will be kept (or assumed to be) constant.

Materials Used

  •  Metal wire of length greater than a meter.

-     Direct power supply

  • Voltmeter (±0.02 volts)
  • Ammeter (±0.02 Amperes)
  • Ruler (±0.001 meters)
  • Scotch tape
  • 4 alligator clips
  • 5 connecting wires


  1. Measure a wire length of approximately 1.2 meters, not starting from its beginning.
  2. Attach the segment of the wire measured to a firm table using scotch tape.
  3. Use 3 connecting wires and 2 alligator clips to connect a power supply and an ammeter in series with each other, connecting all that across the metal wire.
  4. Using 2 more connection wires and alligator clips, connect a voltmeter across the wire.
  5. You now have completed a circuit that should look like the one below:
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6.        Using the power supply, induce current flow through the circuit.

  1. Make sure the potential difference across the metal is held constant at 0.30 volts using the power supply settings. Verify voltage constancy with the voltmeter.
  2. Record the current reading shown on the ammeter, together with the length of metal wire forming part of the circuit.
  3. Repeat stages 9 – 11 ten times, increasing the distance between the two pairs of alligator clips by 10 cm each time. Doing this increases the ...

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