Why does the colour leak out of cooked beetroot

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Why does the colour leak out of cooked beetroot?


The aim of this practical is to use beetroot to examine the effect of temperature on membrane structure. I will be testing what effect the independent variable has on the dependent variable.

Independent variable: The independent variable is the temperature of the water that the beetroot with be tested in. the temperatures I will be testing will range from 10 to 70 degrees using thermostatically controlled water baths.

Dependent variable: The dependent variable will be how much water is left after a trial in a specific water bath. This will be calculated using a colorimeter which measures how much of the beetroot dye has leaked out of its cells.


I predict that as the temperature increases, so will the colour of the beetroot. I predict this because of the knowledge I have on membrane structures. The red colour you see in beetroot, is a red dye that comes from pigments present in the beetroot called betalains, which are present in the cell vacuole. When beetroot is cooked, the temperature causes the pigments to leak through the cell membranes, which would not happen if it was not cooked. This happens because the increase in temperature damages the cell membrane, which causes the cytoplasm and other substances to leak out. This knowledge can help me predict that the higher the temperature, the more pigment will leak out of the cell membranes, thus the more water the beetroot will be able to absorb.

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Risk assessment

This is a harmless experiment as only beetroot and distilled water are used; no chemicals are involved. Although this is the cause, safety precautions still need to be carried out, such as wearing protective eye wear and gloves. Any of the products should not be consumed, as the apparatus used in contact may not be sterile. You also need to take care when using a cork borer.



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*** A mostly good account which could be improved by more detailed descriptions and explanations in places.