will global warming lead to mass extinction?

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Will Global warming lead mass extinction of the World’s species?

The biggest threat that the World’s species face is global warming. The amount Global warming has increased due to the expansion of the human population, causing an increase in the amount of factories, transport and the use of the World’s resources.

If Global warming does cause mass extinction of the World’s species it will be the 6th mass extinction in the history of life on Earth. However it will be the only one that was caused by another species. This other species is man.

Another example of Global warming causing mass extinction, this time without mans help, is what Scientists call "the Great Dying," which is a 250 million-year-old disaster which wiped out 90% of the ocean species and 70% of land species in the biggest mass extinction in Earth's geologic history so far. Research released in January 2005 offers new evidence that global warming caused by volcanic activity may have been the main cause. The volcanoes released large amounts of CO2 (A greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere this deprived it of oxygen whilst heating the Earth. This caused environmental deterioration and finally a collapse of many ecosystems.

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The Human impact on their surrounding environment is severely reducing biological populations. This increases the risk that many species will become lost locally and may lead to eventually extinction of many species. Over the last 50 years in the UK alone nearly 10 species have become extinct for example the Mouse-Eared Bat and the Horned Dung Beetle. Also a host of other species have suffered dramatic decreases in numbers for example Water Vole, Red Squirrel and the Skylark.

The Human race is now the main contributor to global warming due to an increase in things such as the number ...

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