Woodlice Investigation

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8 October 2001

Woodlice Investigation

I am going to an investigation on woodlice. I am going to find out which artificial environment it chooses to stay in by using a choice chamber.

I have researched on woodlice this is what I found:

* They eat dead plant material.

* They have hard shells for protection.

* They live in numbers of 3 or above.

* Most birds eat them as do some spiders, but they don't have many predators.

* Woodlice are related to some crustaceans for example lobster and shrimp.

* There are over 40 species in this country alone.

* They secrete a liquid from their abdomen that tastes disgusting if they are eaten by one of its predators.

I am going to get a choice chamber. In each section I am going to create a different environments; in two of the environments I will put silica gel and in the others I will put damp cotton wool. Then I will cover all the sections in muslin, this allow the woodlice to move freely and feel the moisture in the cotton wool; then I will cover one half of the choice chamber with a piece of black card/paper this card/paper will cover one section of damp cotton wool and one section of dry silica gel. This provides four different environments. I will then put ten woodlice in the middle of the choice chamber and see which section the most are in each minute.
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I predict that in my experiment most of the woodlice will go to the dark, damp environment in the choice chamber because woodlice are often found in the upper layers of compost heaps, under rotting planks or logs, under sacks or stones and in other dark, damp places.

Trial Experiment

Number of woodice in each area

Time Dry Moist Dry Moist

Mins Dark Light

1 2 1 7 0

2 1 6 2 1

3 7 2 1 0

4 5 4 0 1

5 3 5 1 1

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