Write a 1000 word essay putting forth the scientific arguments that are both for and against evolution. Remember you must only talk about scientific reasoning not religious! To gain credit both sides of the argument should be discussed

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Scientific Arguments For and Against Evolution

Write a 1000 word essay putting forth the scientific arguments that are both for and against evolution. Remember you must only talk about scientific reasoning not religious! To gain credit both sides of the argument should be discussed

The Science of evolution is a complicated progression by which the features and qualities of living organisms change over many generations as characteristics are passed from one generation to the next. Evolution seeks to understand the biological forces that caused ancient organisms to develop into the tremendous and ever-changing variety of life seen on Earth today. It addresses how, over the course of time, various plant and animal species branch off to become entirely new species, and how different species are related through complicated family trees that span millions of years. Evolution provides an outline for the ongoing history of life on Earth. A controversial theory of evolutionist is that all living organisms, from bacteria to plants, reptiles, insects, amphibians, and mammals, share a common ancestor. Species that are closely related i.e. similar DNA makeup share a recent common ancestor, while distantly related species have a common ancestor further in the past. The animal most closely related to humans, for example, is the chimpanzee.

A modern theory of evolution took hold in the 19th Century by a British Scientist - Charles. R. Darwin. His completed Theory of Evolution was published in 1859 in 'On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection'. Darwin illustrated the evolution of life as a course of natural selection. Life, he suggested, is a competitive struggle to survive, often in light of limited resources. Darwin believed that, within a given population in a given environment, certain individuals' possessed qualities that made them more likely to survive and reproduce. These individuals will pass these significant qualities on to their offspring. The number of organisms with these characteristics increases as each generation passes on the advantageous combination of character as the Outmatched; individuals lacking the advantageous qualities gradually decrease in number. Slowly, Darwin argued, natural selection tips the balance in a population toward those with the combination of traits, or adaptations, best suited to their environment i.e. the survival of the fittest.
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Nevertheless, there are many misconceptions about the theory of Evolution. One can rightly say that Evolution is only a theory and has never been proved. However an Evolutionist would affirm that the word Evolution has more than one meaning like many other words. Evolution in biological terms simply means "a change in allele frequencies over time". By this definition, evolution is an indisputable fact. One can also say that Evolution hasn't been observed and thus is not true. Yet, evolutionists argue that even without these direct observations, it would be wrong to say that evolution hasn't been observed. ...

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