All societies and cultures place a great emphasis on the differences between males and females

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Student Number: 200500218 PTUG

Using anthropological study explore the notion that gender is more than male or female

All societies and cultures place a great emphasis on the differences between males and females. When a child is born we categorise its gender as being either male or female, or of either being a girl or a boy, and depending on which of these categories you fall in to will have a huge bearing on how your life will evolve.

Some basic facts can serve as starting points. The unique reproductive capacities of females normally mark their lives by menstruation, pregnancy, parturition, lactation, and menopause. Males are, on average, larger and have greater physical strength than females in the same population. The burden of evidence also indicates that males are more aggressive, although this is not as well established as the facts of physical morphology and reproductive capacity (Nadelson, pg 3, 1991) However, as Nadelson states none of these capacities or apparent predispositions are uniformly translated into adaptive outcomes across human populations because of variations in technology, socioeconomic organisation, and cultural values. Female reproduction can be halted by celibacy or infertility or delayed by the use of contraception, and lactation can be avoided by using infant formula. The strength of males can diminish as machinery becomes available to do the heavy work. The aggressiveness of young males, though valuable for defence can become socially disruptive if there is no need for local troops. Behavioural differences between boys and girls can be reduced in later childhood when they are raised together and boys perform tasks defined as feminine. Thus the existence of gender specific capacities does not predict how or to what extent they will be used for purposes of adaptation. (Nadelson, pg 4, 1991)

Field work carried out by anthropologists within non Western societies provide support for this point, in the East African highlands, where ploughs and animals are absent, the heavy work of cultivation is done largely by women. The same women carry 50-pound loads on their heads over considerable distances, in addition to bearing and raising children and managing their homes.

Anthropologists use the term socialisation as a concept to mean the teaching that prepares the young to be competent members of their society. Training children to fit gender roles and to internalise the benefits and values appropriate to performing their roles in all situations and social instructions is a primary job of socialisers the world over. (Herdt, pg 68, 1987) Throughout history many people have long since argued to what extent culture can shape gender and what influences gender identity. The physical appearance of someone, the way they dress and how they act are all supposed to be characteristics of being either male or female. All cultures have acceptable roles based on the sex of the individual and these roles are determined by a person’s position within their family and society.

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Many argue that gender roles are culturally rather than biologically produced and whiles a person’s sex refers to biological differences between male and females, it is through gender socialisation that a person acquires his or her gender. It is through this process that a person learns what is masculine and feminine, and how to act accordingly, dependant on the surroundings he or she is in. ()

Giddens states that when speaking of sexual differences we are distinguishing between males and females, when speaking of gender it is between masculine and feminine. The content of the male / ...

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