"Are Children Born to Succeed or Fail".

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Paul Crane



Mr. Savage

“Are Children Born to Succeed or Fail”

I conducted an investigation to answer the question “are children born to succeed or fail?”

        This means that systematically when a child is born there future of whether they are going to succeed or fail is determined depending on their families’ background. A success should have been born into a Social Class 1 or 2 family, a family that is functional and a family that loves and cares for their child/children. This is the environment that a child born to succeed would have been nurtured in. On the other hand a failure is generally born into a family with low social class and very little income, have a dysfunctional family who argue constantly and subsequently neglect their child/children. This should result in Childs chances of success being very low. This means not all children are born with the same chances of success because of the factors of socialisation. There is a debate of nature and nurture, nature argues that we inherit skills regardless of the way we are brought up. This is a very good argument because animals for example instinct (nature) to survive in the wild. Nature on the other hand is a process of which we learn manners expected of us by society so that we do not offend but fit in. The way we are nurtured depends on our parent’s behaviour, social class and environment thus the quote “give me a child before he is 7 and I will show you the man.” I have had to investigate how nurture affects our success because investigating nature is beyond my resources. In investigating how nature affects our chances of success I will be looking at social classes of grand – parents, parents and children from both primary and secondary resources, I will also be looking at ethnicity and gender.

        In my opinion there are two kinds of success and failure, there is societies opinion or success and failure in which we as a whole measure there status, income, location of where they live, education, wealth, skill and property. In societies opinion people with many of these factors are deemed successful. However people with very little of these are judged as failures. However, interestingly enough society (which means everyone’s) opinion is very different to most individuals opinion. Most individuals measure success in how happy a person is. For example a person with low income, public education, little wealth, low skill and is in a council bed-sit in a run down area however, has loads of friends and is happy with there current status is in societies opinion is a failure but in most peoples opinion, as well as mine, deems them as a success because they are happy.

        In this investigation I am going to focus on nurture which means I am looking to see how successful a child is depending on how they are socialised. In Ken Brownes description in the “sociology” book he says “socialisation. The process of learning the culture of any society.” Using the word learning is all what socialisation is about. Nurtures argument is that when a child is born you can “mold” them into anything you like. Thus the quote “Give me a child before he is 7, and I will show you the man” – Programme seven up. Furthermore to support this theory I watched this programme called “FREAKS” on BBC and it showed a boy in Germany who was abandoned in a house by his parents and left with a dog. The dog treated the baby as a puppy and raised him. When the boy was found in the streets crawling on the floor and actually barking at passers by 10 years later and was then taken into care. He is still in care to this day. This is extreme proof that Childs agents of socialisation affect Childs behaviour. The boy who was raised by the dog only had the dog as a role model (which means he wanted to emulate the dog) and sadly enough he only had the dog as a parental like figure. However, for more “normal” situation with children thing like media, school, friends also affect a child as well.

        Now that I have given an example and definition of success and failure and also socialisation I am now going to see if there are any patterns of who succeeds and who fails. I am going to do this by looking at a number of secondary researches.

        I am going to base my secondary research to not only find out who succeeds and who fails but also, who succeeds in schools and who succeeds in the work place. This is because I would like to see if there is any contradiction.

        I analysed a graph of “Attainment of 5 or more GCSE grades A* - C by gender” in a “Statistics booklet” to find out if gender effects GCSE success. After this study I noticed many patterns.

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The first trend is good for both genders and that is that both genders are improving every year. In 1992 only 33% of males got 5 or more GCSE A* - C grades and 40% of females accomplished this, then in the year 2000, 44% of males achieved 5 or more GCSE A* - C grades and 54% of females attained this. Over 8 years both genders have risen percentage wise in GCSE’s. Also females are consistently performing better than males at GCSE level. They are beating males every year at attaining 5 A* - C GCSE grades. ...

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