Asses the view that conjugal roles are now almost equal

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Amy Morris        12/8        Sociology


Asses the view that conjugal roles are now almost equal

Conjugal roles are the roles a husband and wife have within their marriage. During the industrial period, domestic labour primarily became the woman’s role and the man’s role was to work. Oakley (1974) stated that this was due to the series of Factory Acts from 1819 onwards that restricted the labour of children and then women. Gradually women were excluded from a number of industries, so they and their children were economically dependant on men. These restrictions to the home meant that the domestic labour was the only role for women; thus creating segregated roles. However, recently, according to Young and Willmott (1973), family life has steadily improved for its members as it becomes more equal. This movement away from the segregated roles was a step forward to integrated roles - where the roles of the husband and wife are similar.

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Oakley dismissed the view that husbands share part of the domestic chores. She conducted research in the early 1970’s which show a clear division of labour. It was based on interviews with 40 women with pone or more children under 5. The findings showed that the wives saw the housework and child care as their own responsibility and received little help from their husbands. Oakley’s results and conclusions support the theory of segregated roles.

Since her study there has been extensive research to support the division of domestic labour. The research shows that most women still became mothers ...

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