Assess the view that sociological arguments and evidence support the Functionalist view of the role and functions of religion in contemporary society. Functionalists believe that religion is a conservative force

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Maria Ridley M56


Assess the view that sociological arguments and evidence support the Functionalist view of the role and functions of religion in contemporary society.

        Functionalists believe that religion is a conservative force, and an institution which adds to the requirements of society. They say it ultimately operates as an agency of socialisation.

        Durkheim (1912) said that all societies are separated into the profane and sacred and that religion is a combined structure consisting of beliefs and practices which are associated to sacred items. Durkheim also stated that religion is used as a collective conscience used to avoid anomie. Bellah agreed with Durkheim, although related religion to modern society, and civil religion. Malinowski disagreed with Durkheim, saying that religion was a coping strategy to avoid anxiety provoking situations rather than a worship of society. For example, religion can console those facing a traumatic situation such as a death. Stark and Bainbridge also said that religion was a ‘compensator’ which offers a ‘plausibility structure’ for socially destructive circumstances. (E.g. bereavement)

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        Parsons argued that religion is used to promote value consensus in America. He also agreed with Malinowski saying religion alleviates tension and frustration.

        Berger, who looked at the idea of phenomenology, claimed that religion works as a sacred canopy, and concentrates on the individual.

        In relation to the development of religion in modern society, Functionalism suggests that the division of labour will turn out to be more complicated and this in turn will cause the collective consciousness to fade and less able to direct peoples behaviour. They say that society will no longer be sacred, but instead the ...

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