Buddhism and Christianity:

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Buddhism and Christianity:

A Comparison of Social Natures

The construction of society is often ordained by the principles that religion dictates.  Furthermore, the tenets of Christianity and Buddhism are practiced throughout the world and have an important impact on the development of the global society.  Each religion’s distinct views on the social natures of its followers are responsible for the evolution of these groups.  Specifically, the two religions’ societal principles of gender discrimination, sexuality, and life and death, although fundamentally different, share several unique similarities and equally contribute to the global order.  For comparing these diverse religions, it is necessary to reference both the past and present religious heritages to create a historical setting.  

Christianity can traditionally be considered a masculine religion; due to the main creed of God being the Father and Jesus as His Son.  In the same way, none of the twelve original disciples were women.  Accordingly, while in Christianity women appear to be discriminated against in the beginning, there is no such idea found in Buddhism.  The Buddha's understanding of the origin of humankind and its evolution is that humans were not sexually differentiated at first.  Rather, a differentiation between the sexes came about after certain events.  Since these accounts occurred, even though the male and female identity is set at birth, the Buddhist notion of rebirth claims that gender can change over successive reincarnations.  So, although Buddha himself was historically a man, there is very little about his religion that identifies it with a particular sex.  

Christianity emerged as a religion that offered explanation and comfort, as new ideas of humanity seemed very attractive to the civilization.  Along with this new religion, women benefited from a higher status.  This was partially due to Jesus, as he preached a revolutionary message of equal status and worth of women, which he demonstrated throughout his ministry.  This concept of equality was considered very radical for that time.  Similarly, during the era before Buddhism, the world position of women was also lower than that of men.  However, through the spread of Buddhism, women enjoyed a higher position, as their earlier counterparts were portrayed as jealous, ignorant, and promiscuous.  Yet, as Buddhism spread, a gradual evolution of a positive concept of women in terms of their wisdom was evident.  This notion continued, illustrating the gradual improvement in the attitudes toward women to an ultimate acknowledgment that social discrimination ceased to exist in the figure that embodies enlightenment.  

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As previously stated, women had completely different lives with Christianity and their newfound power was incredibly unusual in relation to the previous culture, as well as most of the other societies at that time.  Most importantly, they were offered a new way of life where they could even participate in the church.  Likewise, women's position in Buddhism was unique for that time and Buddha also gave women full freedom to participate in a religious life.  Before both of these religions, women's duties had been restricted to the household and they were not even allowed to recite any religious scripture.  Once ...

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