Class Structure

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E) Outline and assess sociological explanations why the class structure is changing in the contemporary UK

There are many reasons why you could argue the ‘Class Structure’ is changing in the Contemporary UK.

Firstly, up until the 1980’s wealth was becoming more fairly distributed across the population, however since the 1980’s this trend has reversed and the gap between rich and poor has rocketed. Now a days, most wealth remains in the hands of a tiny minority whilst the majority float above the fine line of poverty.

New Right sociologists claim that the old ruling class has disintegrated and a share owning expanded middle class has emerged. Peter Saunders now claims minority rule by a minority class has been replaced with a nation of stakeholders.

However the continued existence of a ‘power elite’ controlling the majority of wealth and power has been well documented by John Scott.

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Manual work patterns have changed also, i.e. in the primary and secondary industry manual jobs have declined significantly, whilst service sector jobs have increased. The expansion of the Welfare state has caused professional and non manual jobs to increase, results in a bloated middle class.

The traditional working class has also changed, with women becoming a more influential and important member of the work force. Part time work has increase too.

As a result of a rising global economy a geographical shift in the traditional working class has emerged. In the West there has been a growth in ...

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