Compare and Contrast Functionalism and Marxist Theories of the Role of Religion These Two Different Ideas Try To Identify the Role of Religion.

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These two different ideas try to identify the role of religion. The two theories dicuss there argue their point on religion.

The first main theory on the role of religion is the Functionalism theory. They have a large approach on society and link it towards the human body,which includes religion as a main function in society.They believe religion performs vital functions to balance society and creates the basis of the norms and values of society. This therefore according to functionalists promotes social order.

There are three main contributors towards the fuctionalist theory.

The most famous of these contributors is Emile Durkeim. Durkeim believed that religion was sacred and treated with respect this creates a social community which give out morals. As Durkeim was a functionalist Durkeim wanted to discover the functions religion provided for a society of anykind. He tried to analyse the Australian aborigines in Australia. He named their religion as "totemism". He found out that this was a basic form of religion and societies bonded on a clan basis. Each clan had its own totem which was regarded as holy. Durkeim believed as the totems only contained pictures of insignificant figures to the western world,so he believed there must be something else they believe. In his last analysis he believed that aborigines worshipped the social group and society,and created totems to create a concrete symbol of their own society. Durkeim in his own view religion performs two functions, one is social integration and social regulation. Social intergration is when people from a local community is drawn to one particular holy building ie church. This creates social solidarity and order and makes feel warm and welcomed towards the whole community. Social regulation is where rituals which reinforce collective conscience. By taking part in church services they renew their commitment to religion,moral beliefs and values.This means religion can control human behaviour.
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The second contributor is Bronislaw Malinowski. Malinowski studied the Trobriad Islands.In his analysis and evaluation he studied more on functions to a individuals rather than a whole community like Durkeim. He accepted like Durkeim that religion does create social solidarity but he believed that religion was a response to people's needs during stress. Malinowski believed that stress were surrounded by religion eg birth and death. Religion therefore reduces anxiety and can console grieving people during stressful occasions i.e. funeral. Religion evaluated by Malinowski has a creator of social unity and order.

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