Compared Functionalist and Marxist theories of the role of religion.

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Compared Functionalist and Marxist theories of the role of religion

Both functionalist and Marxist are structural theories, therefore they are primarily concerned with the role religion plays in society rather than the impact it has on individuals. Functionalist perspective is based on the idea that society is a consensus, and that all aspects in society perform a useful purpose to enhance this consensus. Therefore the function of religion is to help bind society by developing a collective conscience. Durkheim emphasises on the importance of collective worship, he argues that by coming together during religious ritual the social group expresses its belief. These values and beliefs reinforce the collective consciousness and unify the group - as a result society is strengthened.

Marxist also believes that religion groups people together and therefore promotes a single set of beliefs and values. However Marxist theory identifies religion as an important aspect in the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, a relationship based on conflict. Marxist argues that religion is part of the capitalist superstructure, and an instrument used to deceive the labour force and achieve control. This is clearly shown by the example; 'God made them high and lowly/and ordered their estate'. Therefore this promotes social inequality and this way religion directly supports the ruling class and further develops their interest. There are several evidence in recent history to support Marxist's point of view of religion. The caste system for example was justified by the Hindu religious beliefs. And also in the medieval Europe, 'kings and queens ruled by divine right'.
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Both functionalist and Marxist believe that religion is primarily concerned with situations where emotional stress and uncertainty can arise. And this is seen as a threat to the social solidarity. Malinoswki states that life crises such as life, puberty, marriage and particularly death are all dealt with by religion. Death is seen as the most disruptive event and so there is much emphasises on how to deal with death in religion. In religion, funeral ceremony reinforces the belief in life after death (immortality) and so by denying the fact of death individuals are comforted. The presence of other ...

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