Construct an argument that shows how work influences the identities which people take up

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Construct an argument that shows how work influences the identities which people take up

Identity is created by a number of influencing factors, some of which are interpellated and some which we make a conscious decision to choose or exclude. It is argued that work is a contributory factor in the creation of our identities with work loosely being translated as either paid employment or being unemployed. The meaning of ‘work’, for the purpose of this argument, consists of sub factors such as income, unemployment, social class deriving from income, collective identities, the economy and status as a result of occupation.


Firstly, it has been argued that our identities are shaped by our income. Income allows us to consume and depending on the amount of income we generate this results in what we consume and our ability to selectively purchase goods. Bourdieu (1977 pg 107/8) argued that people are able to express their identities through consumption and also that as taste differs between social class then consumption will also differ. People in different social classes are unlikely to have the same consumption patterns, which leads to a difference in the ability to portray identity. For example, the ability to purchase expensive clothing and material goods such as cars from being in a well paid job will create an identity of a middle class citizen compared to a shop assistant’s wage on which limited items can be purchased. Consumption preferences and abilities are highly symbolic markers of status and dividers in social class. Some sociologists have argued that consumption has replaced class and that this now is the key factor in the structure of social division and identity.

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It has also been argued that identity is created by socialisation. Secondary socialisation is the socialisation process that takes place during the later years of life, for example in school and the workplace. Erving Goffman (pg 14/15) devised a theory concerning social roles. He observed that individuals adopt various roles throughout life and by responding to the reaction of others, the individuals will either adopt or discard a role (or identity) which they deem to be acceptable by others. Work related identities are therefore socially produced; we cannot have had such identities except in relation to others. A sense ...

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