Critical Appreciation on George Ritzer's "The McDonaldization of Society."

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Siân Thomas

SOC 244: 20th Century Social Theory

Critical Appreciation on George Ritzer’s

 “The McDonaldization of Society.”


The study that I am evaluating is Ritzer’s New Century Edition of The McDonaldization of Society (2000). Ritzer defines McDonaldization as “…the process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world.” He applies Max Weber’s theory of rationalisation to the processes of McDonaldization, using the McDonalds restaurant chain as a paradigm for the problematic aspects of our contemporary world.

        George Ritzer, a professor of sociology at the University of Maryland and named Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, has served as Chair of the American Association’s Sections on Theoretical Sociology and Organisations and Occupations. His main areas of interest are sociological theory and the sociology of work. His main theoretical interests lie in metatheory as well as in the theory of rationalisation.

The study in question is Ritzer’s famous “The McDonaldization of Society” – an empirical study demonstrating the globalisation of McDonaldization – the phenomenally successful McDonalds restaurant chain being used as a metaphor for the problems we face in our contemporary world. Ritzer explains that McDonaldization is not exclusively about the fast-food business, but the accelerating rate in which society relies on fast service and businesses focus on low expenditure and high profits. Ritzer generates a concept so broadly recognised that it can easily be applied to virtually every aspect of society. His theorising demonstrates a major strength of classical social theory, for it allows us to critically view key social dynamics, institutions and problems.

Evaluating the Text

Ritzer has found through his study a new design to base the problem of global rationality upon.  Ritzer has managed to create this model due to its alarming familiarity to contemporary society. McDonalds restaurants provide a familiar sociological artefact that can be analysed to generate a more general and macro level of perception. “The McDonaldization of Society” is defined by increased efficiency, calculability, predictability and control through substitution of human labour power with technology, all of which amount to a quantitative and alarming growth of instrumental rationalisation. Ritzer used a technique Alvin Gouldner labelled “newspaper sociology” (1976) which meant assembling information and news on McDonalds and similar corporations through assembling and citing newspaper articles to illustrate his arguments as opposed to other methods in sociological studies.

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The study illuminates many key features of McDonald’s fast food chains, and its applicability of its principles to a variety of other existing phenomenon is dazzling. However, Ritzer’s interpretation is primarily negative, and an extra list of the positive features of McDonaldization was included in an updated version of his study in 1996. Ritzer uses Weber’s concept of irrationality of rationalisation - the ways it happens to contradict its own goals and is both enabling and constraining. McDonaldization creates dehumanising and false atmospheres, as well as inefficiency rather than increased efficiency, high costs, artificial friendliness and false realities.

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