Development and Inequality Essay

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Describe some of the factors which act as barriers to the developing world. How have individual countries been able to over come it ?

 Just as life chances are unequally distributed within society throughout our worlds development, so are there inequalities of life chances on an international order. These inequalities are conventionally known in terms of a ranking of worlds. First, Second, Third and Africa considered as a Fourth world.  Second, Third and Fourth world countries face barriers that hinder its social, political, economical, natural and technological development. Such examples of this would be economic depression, political factors, war, and natural disasters. But some nations have overcome these obstacles and have continued to push forward with its development.

 The Great Depression began in October 1929, when the stock market in the United States had dropped rapidly. This crash led into the Great Depression. The ensuing period of twelve years resulted in it becoming ranked as the worst period of high unemployment and low business activity in modern history. Banks, businesses, and factories were closed and it had left millions of Americans in lack of an occupation, a home and some without food. A vast majority of Americans had come to depend on the government or charities for their only source of food. The depression became a worldwide business recession of the 1930's that had affected almost all nations across the globe. It led to a sharp decline in world trade as each country tried to protect their own industries. The solution to this economic turmoil in America was through two actions, Franklin Roosevelt's relief programs and American industries producing war goods primarily for their Armed Forces and the British Army. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was the president of the United States at the time, proposed his plan the 'New Deal' to bring economic relief, recovery and reform. This package included programs that put American citizens back to work, projects that gave financial security for the elderly, and programs which assisted impoverished Americans to pay for medicine and food. Examples of these programs would be the Federal Writers Project, National Recovery Administration, Works Progress Administration and the Social Security Act. But the 'New Deal' did not fully bring out the America out of Economic turmoil just yet. It had ended when industries began the production of weapons, vehicles and supplies for the Allied armies with the promotion of war bonds which helped with the costs of manufacturing these equipment. These two projects had created thousands of job opportunities for American citizens, encouraged spending and a new booming industry.

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 Subsequent to the fall of Berlin, the post-war partition of Germany between the four powers decided at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences had only meant to be temporary, to prevent any resurgence of German military power. Germany was supposed to have been reunited after the completion of 'Denazification' and demilitarisation programmes. The German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) were separated not only by the Berlin wall but also by separate ideologies. The GDR was under supervision of the USSR who created a communist  government, with the three western powers, the United States, United ...

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