Discuss the importance of the biology/society dualism to the gendered body

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Student Num:12015014

Sociology of the Body

Component 1 of a 2 Component Assessment- 40% weighting)

Level 6 

Discuss the importance of the biology/society dualism to the gendered body

The body has played an important part in sociology to explain the differences between the two sexes, and why these differences exist. A lot of social debate is about the relationship between the biological and the social. At one end of the debate there are those who see activities such as sexual behaviour entirely based on biology, they are called biological determinists who argue that there is biological bases for child rearing and different sexual orientations and also refer to pre- programmed behaviour. At the other end of the scale are those who see sexual and other kinds of behaviour as entirely social constructed, they see that people learn their behaviour through their culture.  Both approaches identify and stress the importance of their view, this will be discussed further, and it will identify why both aspects are important when trying to understand the gendered body

In gender, reproductive differences between males and females are assumed to directly reflect a whole range of others differences between the two sexes. As women have two X chromosomes, and men have one X and one Y chromosome (Connell: 2002:28) These genetic differences according to some sociologists and scientists affect the ways in which women and men can behave and have an affect as to what is capable of them, and the difference in genes between the two sexes explain the gendered body.  For examples bodily strength and physical skills are different amongst the sexes.  These viewpoints are adopted by naturalists, they see the body shaped entirely by the power of biology, and the biology of a person can not be changed so should be accepted by all. Women are not as physically strong as men due to their biology and they are therefore the weaker sex and nothing can be done to change the way in which male and females bodies are constructed, and the way in which they are constructed and made up is what creates the gendered body. The gendered body is not formed by society and discourses it is purely created due to the biological make up of the different sexes.

Jordanova (cited in Shilling: 2003: 38) argues that the reproductive are what determine the gendered body and what determines the differences between males and females. The conditions of women’s embodiment were ruled by natural cycles, which was concerned and based on pregnancy, childbirth and menstruation. This is a big difference to men, as they did not have any of this embodiments, men’s embodiment allowed their minds a greater degree of freedom, This identifies that men had more access to pursue careers and be the breadwinner and work in the public sphere as women were unable to do this as their bodies functioned in a different way and things like pregnancy affect a woman’s ability to work and carry out tasks. This identifies that it is the biology of the different sexes that creates the gendered body. These views frequently favour men and it is to their advantage for example Murdock identifies that biological differences between men and women are the basis of sexual division of labour in society (1965: 124). He referred to the simple biological differences in men and women that led to gender roles out of practicality. Men have more strength and women can bear children, and this organises the society. Men can work and women can have children and look after them, because of her biological function the women is tied to the home and her physique means she is limited to tasks that need strength. These differences are pre-determined thus the gendered body is purely created in Murdock eyes through the biological make up of a person.

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The idea that the biological differences amongst males and females should be used to explain the gendered body is adopted by Goldberg (1993: 45). He identified that men dominate society and are more powerful than women due to males higher levels of testosterone, males also have a hormonal aggression advantage in competition for top jobs, males have a drive and more force to want higher jobs and wanting o succeed. Goldberg also goes on to argue that this ensure patriarchy in society, and is needed to ensure that institutes run swiftly and smoothly and this is more likely ...

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