Discuss the view that social class is no longer the most important source of an individual's identity (26)

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Matthew Hunt

● Discuss the view that social class is no longer the most important source of an individual’s identity (26)

The concept of social class is a difficult one to come to terms with. This is reflected by the many disagreements (in society as well as Sociology) as to the significance of social class. Some sociologists, for example, use the concept as a convenient way of classifying different occupational groups in society (managers, supervisors, employees and so forth). In this respect social class is seen to be a statistical category that does not have much significance outside the fact that it allows us to conveniently group people of similar occupations. This usage is probably closest to the Functionalist perspective in Sociology.

Other sociologists, however, view social class as far more than a convenient classification of related occupations. Marxist sociologists, for example, see social class as a much more active concept. That is, social class is seen to influence people’s experiences in the social world and, most importantly, how they see the nature of their world.

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There also have been many studies made on the relevance of social class on an individual’s identity. Savage et al. produced an article that discussed how people are unsure and confused about their class identity. Whereas traditional Marxist analysis of class relations suggests that people would have a developed class-consciousness and awareness because of their objective class position and real class struggles, Savage et al. argues that people, in fact, have a weak class identification. A key argument of the article is that most people are defensive about their class status, preferring to be regarded as ‘ordinary’ or ‘normal’.

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