Durkheim is a consensus theorist, he supports the view that religion is a conservative force in society, reinforcing the existing society of society.

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Durkheim is a consensus theorist, he supports the view that religion is a conservative force in society, reinforcing the existing society of society. He argued that religion should not be explained in terms of human ignorance, but as a result of shared social needs. He adopted a broad definition of religion throughout his analysis and defined it as a unified belief system of beliefs about the nature of sacred things. For Durkheim, shared religious belief systems were central to common consensus as they set rules for social interaction and offered social solidarity and value consensus. Durkheim viewed religion as being a major source of social integration, all religious activity has one main function, the celebration of the community. Religion is not about the worship of god, but of society. People are drawn together through religious activity and this helps to create a value consensus and a common belief system containing the collective morality of that society. Durkheim saw religion as being social cement, binding people together. Durkheim's conclusions are based on his analysis of modern society.

Durkheim said that in order to understand religion it is vital to recognize the difference between the sacred (spiritual/religious) and the profane. He believed that sacred items are assigned their spirituality by society and are an picture of the core values which society strives to embrace. Durkheim believed that eventually society would secularise and religion would virtually disappear or be replaced by a new religion and other representations of society would take its place.

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Durkheim saw religion as a positive force within society as it has essential and useful effects for society. Religion, Durkheim planned, performs a number of functions. It provides stability and structure within society, it gives people a social identity (for example, Muslim, Christian), it provides a collective ethics, morality it causes socialisation and allows social control, it teaches key values which controls peoples behaviour and it gives a meaning and purpose to life.

 Marx support Durkheim's view of religion being a conservative force within society. For Marx, religion was, "the opiate of the people", pumping perception distorting drugs into the ...

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