Evaluate the contribution made by studies of sects and other religious movements to an understanding of the role of religion.

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Anjana Chauhan

Evaluate the contribution made by studies of sects and other religious movements to an understanding of the role of religion.

The role of religion was defined in many ways by the classical sociologists Marx, Durkheim and Weber. Each had a different perspective regarding religion and its place within society.
 Marx wrote from a conflict viewpoint, his main argument was that religion served as a conservative force, benefiting the dominant classes by systematically deceiving the exploited working classes. Religion, as Marx saw it, was keeping the proletariat “falsely conscious”. As religion was based on ruling class ideology it prevented the working class from seeing that their problems would be solved only when alienation and exploitation were abolished.
 On the whole Marx believed religion was constructed as a means to suit the further growth of Capitalism hence also the Bourgeoisie. Marx predicted a social and political revolution conducted by the working class, they would no longer remain passive to their situation by believing the privileges of the dominant classes were “divinely ordained”, God’s will. With the occurrence of communism religion in a sense would evaporate. Everyone would be equal, no one needing to be kept falsely conscious and therefore religion had no real reason to still exist.

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  By contrast Durkheim’s functionalist perspective concentrated on small-scale pre-industrial societies, initially totemic religion. He extended this to reveal the consensual binding qualities of religion, in the form of ideas and practices concerning the “scared” and its functional relationship to society. These functions of religion identified by Durkheim such as collective consciousness and social solidarity show the religious reinforcement of the sense of belonging. With modernisation, it was believed that as long as religion performed a necessary function it would always be present in modern society. However, it is questionable whether religious beliefs and practices in complex, differentiated, unequal and ...

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