Examining the negative perceptions of the older generation towards punks in terms of their appearance.

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Examining the negative perceptions of the older generation

towards punks in terms of their appearance

A Report

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I am researching this title in order to prove or disprove my hypothesis. My hypothesis is that the older generation will avoid, ignore and be intimidated by punks drastically more than the younger generation.


There are two stages to my research. The first is primary research. I have used one to one interviews with ten people from my older generation category- age 40 to 60 and ten people from my control (younger generation age 14-18) category. To obtain these twenty people I would like to have used random sampling, but this was not possible so I was forced to use a combination of quota, convenience and judgement sampling (see appendix 1A). The results I got from these one to one talks are mostly qualitative data as I asked open-ended questions (to see questionnaire see appendix 1B, for example response see appendix 1C).
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To make my sampling as equal as possible I have spoken to 10 males and 10 females, all white and all middle class.


Primary research findings

From my primary research I have found that:

* Males of the older generation are more tolerant of a punk's dress code than females.

* The couples I interviewed with children are more tolerant than those without children.

* Both males and females have very strong stereotypes of a punk's dress code.

* Males were more likely to assume that ...

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