Rob Luya 11GM

Short Story- First Day

As I run, trying desperately not to be late, my heart was pumping. It’s my first day at my new school and already I’m 5 minutes late, wondering what will the teacher say and, more importantly, what my new class will think of me. I run as hard as I can, not caring about my bag rubbing on my shoulders. I run as hard and as fast as I can trying not to be too late. As I approach the stairs, I run up, jump the three steps, burst through the door into the empty corridors, still wondering what everyone will say. I run in the direction of my new classroom approaching the last corner. I swing round the corner and ‘Crash’!

As I sit up of the ground wondering whom I crashed into, trying to pick up all my belongings, I look at the other person and what I see is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I apologise as much as I can before running of to my new classroom embarrassed. Now not caring what my class will say, all I care about and can think of is that girl.

‘Who is she?’

‘What’s her name?’

I just want to meet her again, say sorry for running into her, and make sure she’s not angry and annoyed at me.

As I reach the door of my new classroom, I peer through the glass, see the teacher writing something on the board, the children all in lines at their desks. I take one last look, take a big, deep breath and reach for the handle.

As the cold handle turns in my hot, sweaty palm, my hand trembling, the sound of the click of the door magnified by my nervous mind. I feel a rush of nerves coming over me. The questions still gong through my head about that girl and my new class.

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As I slowly open the creaking door, my head down. I feel 30 pairs of eyes all turning to look at who is coming through the door. I slowly look up at the class, seeing what seems like hundreds of eyes all staring straight at me. I quickly scan the room for any possible new friends. All of this just taking a few seconds but seeming like a lifetime. I slowly and gingerly move my left foot forward to take my first step into my new classroom.

I slowly begin to walk into the room, turning round to shut the ...

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