Functionalist view on Same-Sex Families

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Functionalist view on Same-Sex Families

What is Functionalism?

Functionalism is the belief that members of society form relationships with each other through rules and regulations i.e. the law. They also believe society is based on a consensus and there is no time for conflict, although it is acknowledged but is seen as only a temporary disturbance, which can be resolved. They believe it is the basis of social life without it there would be conflict and disorder. Society is seen like the human body, institutions within society playing a significant role to ensure its upkeep like schools. These institutions are what influence societies members on social behaviour. They see the family as how it functions and contributes towards society as a whole. They believe the function of a family is to educate and prepare children before they become adult workers.

What is the New Right?

The New Right believes the family is the cornerstone of society. They see the ideal family is that of the nuclear unit, a heterosexual relationship based on love and commitment with the reproduction of children. They believe the cause of decline in the nuclear family is due to the change in society, which is threatening the norms of marriage. They believe it shall all be resolved with the return of the traditional family norms.

How is society structured from a traditionalist or functionalist point of view?

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As I said earlier functionalists believe rules and regulations guide society, they believe it forms the basis of consensus. They see society structured like the human body; every part has an important role to play and a significant contribution to give. Society can be separated into three separate classes; the ruling class and the working class (who by functionalists are seen as equal members) and the underclass which includes same-sex relationships, single parents etc. according to the beliefs of the New Right. So therefore from a functionalists point of view same-sex relationships are what they’d call a temporary disturbance. So ...

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