Gender-issues - which way forward

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The gender-issues debate has become so dominated by inflated hysteria and 'politically-correct' thinking (if that's the right word...) that it's difficult to get back to the real issues. The basic theme of equality is simple:

"The needs, concerns, feelings and fears of women and of men are of exactly equal value and importance"

Yet it's surprising how many people have enormous difficulty with that concept... Men;s descriptions of their experiences are exactly as true as women's accounts of similar situations: no more true, but also no less true - a point which many people would apparently prefer to be forgotten...

Regrettably, much of the so-called 'feminist research' on gender-issues in general, and on domestic violence in particular, can only be described as ill-researched, ill-thought-through rubbish which suffers badly from circular reasoning and a psychological problem known as 'projection'. Probably the least-known - certainly the least-publicised - fact is that in almost every category, from infancy onwards, males suffer far more violence, from both sexes, far more seriously than females: yet it is only the protection of females - and adult females at that - which is promoted politically as a serious concern. Abuse of girls in childhood is rightly regarded as abnormal and wrong; yet abuse of boys is considered so normal, even so 'right', that an abusive mother may legally be classified as the victim of her infant son... Men's status, women's safety: they're both societal obsessions which work directly against any gender-equality in our society.

Worse, most of the information used to promote the current 'politically correct' view of women's risk of 'assault by the patriarchy' is at best methodologically indefensible, often simply wrong, and on occasion even intentionally and knowingly false. As a result of the flood of spurious pseudo-'facts' from this 'research', most public perceptions of the problems are completely wrong - as is invariably shown by any methodologically-sound study of genuine source-data, especially if data on both sexes (rather than solely on women) are included. For example:

  • "violence is essentially male": the bleak reality is that lesbian relationships have similar or, according to several studies, significantly higher, rates of incidence of domestic violence than heterosexual ones. 
  • "males are the primary, or even sole, abusers in domestic violence": the bleak reality is that women initiate assault - convert a verbal argument to a physical attack - three times more often than men, and are more than twice as likely to indulge in 'severe violence' on their partner. 
  • "women are at permanently high risk of assault or murder at the hands of men": the bleak reality is that a woman's year-on-year risk of being murdered by her male partner or ex-partner is about ten times less than that of her killing her own baby - especially if the infant is male. 
  • "domestic violence is at epidemic proportions - 50% of all women presenting in public hospitals were injured in domestic assaults": the bleak reality is that this claim by Stark and Flitcraft was achieved only by classifying all motor-vehicle accidents as domestic violence... the real figure turns out to be somewhere between 2% and 5% - with men almost as likely as women to be the victims who need hospital attention. 
  • "domestic violence is a specific women-only problem": the bleak reality is that similar numbers of men and women are victims of domestic violence, and are equally in need of and deserving of support - yet in most states, support services are available only for women, and male victims are still generally ignored, or even publicly blamed for having been assaulted, much as women used to be, thirty years ago. 
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None of those common misperceptions can be said to help towards a genuine equality...

In reality, most of the well-known supposed 'facts' about the problems of domestic violence and sexual-assault - "one in four college women raped!" "one in ten women seriously assaulted at home each day!" and so on - simply aren't facts at all. The 'studies' that promote them are, almost without exception, ludicrously sexist in their sources, and fundamentally incompetent in their methodology: most can only be described under the general category of "all the news that's fit to invent". Their link to genuine fact is often tenuous ...

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