Gender Roles in the Home.

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Title: Gender Roles in the Home 

Syllabus Area: Family Life 

Area of sociological interest: The Symmetrical Family Thesis


"Men do not help around the home any more than they did in the previous generation" 


  1. Does gender equality exist within the home? 
  2. How is the family workload shared?
  3. To compare male and female domestic labour responsibilities now and in the previous generation.

Research Design 

Two main areas need to be covered for a project of this type: 

Firstly, some way needs to be found to measure the amount of domestic labour performed by males and females in present-day family groups. This may, depending on the overall focus of the project, include measuring things like who does what around the home, who makes decisions within the family group and time spent on domestic / paid labour.

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Secondly, a comparative dimension is required in order to test the symmetrical family thesis. This can be achieved by using your respondents' parents to represent a previous generation.

Sample Type: A stratified random sample can be used if factors such as social class or the number of children (and their ages) within the group are to be considered. If not, a simple random sample or, if necessary, an opportunity sample can be used.

Sample Size: Depending on the method of research used, 10 families should suffice.

Sample Frame: N/A


There are a couple of ways that domestic labour ...

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