Has Britain's Contemporary Family Life broken down?

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Contemporary Society

Diagnostic Exercise


After the Second World War, the expectation of life has increased steadily. One can say that there is no such thing as standard family because through looking at the national statistics which indicates that there is an increase in the rate of divorce and also in the number of single parents leading to a decrease in marriage rates. In fact, the amount of marriage rates in Britain has dropped since 1981 to 2006. In 2006, the marriage rate for men 22.8 men marrying per 1,000 unmarried men down from 24.5 in 2005 whereas for women, down from 21.9 in 2005, the marriage rate in 2006 was 20.5 women marrying per 1,000 unmarried women.

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As the Sunday Telegraph pointed out last year (July 15, 2007),

‘‘Over the past decade, Labor has presided over the almost total destruction of any official recognition that marriage is something to be encouraged, to the point where most official forms no longer require, indeed no longer allow, people filling them in to state whether they are married. It has become government policy to accept that co-habitation should be recognized as “just as good” and “equally as valid a choice” as marriage, and that all trace of stigma attached to having children out ...

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