How is gender discussed in Absolutely Fabulous?

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Riccardo Spagnoli

How is gender discussed in Absolutely Fabulous?

Absolutely Fabulous presents us a world in which misrule is allowed to continue and in which the inverted order of power (i.e. one in which women are allowed to have a significant degree of power) is allowed to continue, to be normalized. The show sets the entire issue of the inversion of power in terms of gender within the context of comedy. It also explores the two main female characters, Edina and Patsy, whose roles disrupt traditional engendered rules of power. Edina and Patsy, violate some traditional expectations that we have of the feminine, but play in more sophisticated and ambiguous ways.

In some respects a domestic sitcom, Absolutely Fabulous satirises the matriarchal household of fashion P.R. executive, Edina and the women around her, including her unruly best friend, Patsy and long-suffering daughter Saffron. Because Absolutely Fabulous remains an unusual example of a peak-time situation comedy written by women, with a predominantly female cast and a specific address to a female audience, it provides rare viewing pleasures of self-recognition and humour to women. In addition to having feminist concerns at the core of its structure and themes, it stresses the artificiality surrounding "womanliness," and celebrates gender as a complex social and cultural construction.

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The characters predominantly female but are coded as unfeminine. Edina appearance is not someone who is considered as a mother but more of a spoilt teenager. She is plump and always striving to be slimmer and her movement is extremely non-feminine as she strops and staggers through her drug and alcohol abuse something which is not associated with middle aged woman. Edina is not the typical stereotype as she is not delicate. Edina is vein and the anti thesis of maternal, as she doesn’t seem to care for Saffron’s needs and feelings. She is pivotal in the portrayal as ...

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